1. What was important to you about this past week?
I will answer that in my what happened in my week
2. What has the weather been like?
Its rainy here like everyday
3. Have you seen or spoke with Elder Edwards lately?
I spoke to him today but other then that no
Thats good that they won. I am glad that they played good!!!!
Tell Brock that I say happy birthday
So this week I think has been the week of my conversion. It was a hard week to take in, not because it was something hard or that we weren't in our area, the hard part was the fact that we aren't going to baptize this change... But it was the best week of my life. So we first started with concilio (council) which I really enjoyed. Honestly it was a good time being able to share experiences that have helped us get better and do great things. I learned and loved when we talked about the doctrine and what is it and how we should understand it. I also loved the invitation of Elder Osorio:
Vivir (Live)
Comprender (Understand)
Enseñar (Teach)
This is a great invitation... to first live and understand the doctrine and then teach it and that was something I loved from concilio (counsel) that we learned about. After that we went to El Mirador and I got to work with Elder Johnson who is new and is learning and it was fun to be with him and be able to teach him and learn from him because the new missionaries are always eager to learn and ready to work. I think after awhile we stop trying to learn or we think we know everything. I know that isn't the case because I have learned a lot every single change that I have had. We can always learn from the new missionaries... a lot of things. I didn't sleep the best that night...I gave up on sleeping because it was so uncomfortable sleeping on a couch that is in the house in El Mirador haha but thats alright. On Saturday we contacted a camion (truck)... we just got up in front of like 50 people and we told them who we were and what we do and if we could pass by with them and we contacted each person on that bus haha.... but the stories that I want to share are the stories of some people that we have met.
So first is a guy named Alejandro and he has seen the missionaries before but never talked to them, but me and my comp contacted him like a week ago and thought nothing of it, but he was looking for us and found us in Santiago, a different area, and we were able to talk to him and he told us about the day we first contacted him and how it had been a hard day and he had left his house to get some air and that is when we contacted him and it was just awesome to see God put him in our hands and he is really interested. He is actually is a brother of one of the investigators we had in Castorena.
The next person was a reference from an Hermana and she has had a lot of difficulties in her family... her son, and husband, and parents have passed away, but her husband was a member and we went to the house. We didn't have any directions or address just a reference... Green House haha and so we went to the house and there wasn't a green house but saw a house that had just been painted and so we knocked there and she lived there and come to find out she returned to her house early because she felt like she should be at home and then we showed up 10 minutes later so it was awesome. The last is the sweetest girl ever! We left a pamphlet with her and she read it. She is 8 years old and she was so excited to listen to us. Her mom wouldn't let us in because her husband was there but it was cool to see these people so happy to see us and hear what we have to say.
So that is why I say its my conversion change because I have really worked and worked and worked and nothing but I have now seen these miracles in people and it just brings joy to my heart and I am so happy to be here and I think I would say this change has truly made me into the person that I want to become.
Elder Cleverly
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