Monday, September 18, 2017

September 18, 2017~"One of God's Greatest Gifts is the Joy of trying again."

I left the last area because I had a lot of time as Zone Leader and President usually changes Zone Leaders after 4 changes and I went one more as Zone Leader and now I'm training again as District Leader haha.  I have been blessed to be in leadership positions and my comp is trying to learn English.  He just asks me questions and doesn't study so I write down what he needs to study first before he asks questions.
Yeah there is a volcano here and I want to go but we don't have permission because we are going to go as a mission together.  It does get snow.  Where I'm at there is a soccer team called the 
Diablos... they are pretty good and you already know I'm going to buy a jersey hahah

Thats good that the game turned out well.  I'm glad that Stock got to play too.  Thats too bad about BYU... they just don't seem to have the offense that they want and need changes I think. 

This week was the week of Independence Day in Mexico and this day is always crazy and we don't seem to have much success because there is no one in the streets...but this day I love here but it will be the last time I will be here during Independence Day the rest of the mission.... anyways on Thursday we had a really good day of working and so I taught my child how to contact and so we contacted and we found a couple of people as well.   Something that we are doing is that we are asking for references because we literally don't have anyone to teach so we are asking if they know anyone that we can teach... nothing yet, but the Ward and the members are great.  I like being here.  Its just I have been changing so much I haven't been able to establish anything due to the changes and not having a comp that know the area either.  It is a challenge and so I'm up for it.   Friday is when we had Independence Day and well we didn't find much but we had a party and well the church was full of people and it was fun... but since it was dangerous for us to be out on this day we went home at 8 but before we went home we had to buy food and drinks and we stayed up watching the fireworks so that was fun. The next day on Saturday was the actual Independence Day, the 16th but they celebrate it for 2 days and we started working earlier and well there was nobody in the streets because everyone was in the center at the parade haha.   After that we went with a family and ate breakfast some tacos and Atole (a Spanish drink) super good.... as well as papaya with honey haha  then we passed by with more people but nothing.  We didn't find anybody and President wanted us in house at 7 so we got home and went to bed earlier because we stayed up the night before and there isn't much going on at night on the 16th. The next day we had church and I gave a talk so I have talked now in each Ward and I also taaught Sunday School class which was about sacrifices and during that all you could hear was GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  because the soccer stadium of the Diablos is super close so we heard everything hahaha.   We passed by with a few members after that and then we went home and now its today and we haven't done anything and won't do anything today because p-day ends at 1 and we need to work because we are going to the Temple on Wednesday!!!!

So that has been my week and here are some pics...I love you Mom!!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

1 comment:

  1. Good to be careful on holidays where lots of celebrations are going on. In the photos, I liked your hat - about 10 times bigger than your head. Glad you are happy, and your mom says you aren't close to the earthquake area. 🙏🏻💙
