Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September 13, 2017~"There are More Ways to See than with Our Eyes"~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf

1.  So this week is transfer week.  It came so fast, I almost forgot it was.  Everything still the same for you?
No I am in Toluca now the center... its called centro. I'm training and he is brand new missionary.

2.  Glad you were safe from the Earthquake.  When I heard about it I really didn't worry too much because it hit far enough away from you that I figured it didn't effect you.  But did you feel it?
Yeah we felt it but the main damage was far away..Yeah President wanted to calm all the families that were calling him 

Thats crazy that the fire was so close hasn't been so close before to our house but you can see that we are in the last days. 

So this week  me and Elder Bonner finished traveling all over the place.  we had to go to other areas to do some things that were important. We didn't really work in our area that much and on Sunday we weren't expecting anyone to come but a guy that we contacted a while ago came.  He had read some of the Book of Mormon and he had questions so he came to church and he had a heart attack and so came because of that as well.  After we got the call that I would be leaving and I was sad because I have enjoyed being with Elder Bonner but thats how the changes are. I was told that I'm going to open an area and with a child (new missionary) so I have a new missionary.  His name is Elder Castillo and he is from Veracruz and he is learning quickly.  We haven't been able to have a full day of work yet due to changes and then trying to find members and with today being p-day but tomorrow we should be able to settle down and get to work.   I'm in the center of the capital of Toluca and its cool here... different from the city but then again I haven't been in the pueblos for 10 months haha.   So thats really whats happened with me.  I hope you guys have a good week. Love you mom!!!
Elder Cleverly

One of the room's in Elder Cleverly's house that he just left in Anahuac 

Kitchen in last area

Elder Cleverly's bed

Elder Cleverly with Elder Johnson (who was a past companion he trained) with his new companion that he will train

Elder Cleverly with his new companion Elder Castillo from Veracruz Mexico.  He will be training Elder Castillo

The New Missionaries and their Trainers.  Elder Cleverly and his Comp are on the 2nd row from the back

Another picture of Elder Cleverly with Elder Castillo

1 comment:

  1. Lots of pics! Surprised to hear you have a child 😜 Glad the earthquake didn't affect your area. Keep up the great work, Elder. JD
