Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25, 2017~"Give Time to Holiness"

1.  Glad you were able to write us AGAIN and let us know that you and the other missionaries were okay from this last Earthquake.  So you could feel it pretty good?
I didn't feel it we just saw the cable moving and everyone freaking out but I haven't felt it once nor my comps.

2.  Were you still able to go to the Temple since there was the Earthquake?
Yeah we went and it was a cool experience to go

3.  Do you still have someone doing your laundry now that you are in this area?
Yeah there is a Hermana that helps us out and washes our clothes we just have to buy the soap

4.  Are there any big stores in this area or just small ones?
Yeah we are in the center so we have Walmart and Mcdonalds and big stores.  We have a lot here

5.  Is the chapel a bigger one or small?
Its big.  It is the Stake Center of Toluca

6. How many people are in your Companion's family? Are they all members?
it is him and his little brother and his mom that are members.  His dad and his family aren't members but of his moms side they are members

Yeah Independence Day is cool just no one in the streets hahaha
and yeah we hope that its not a big distraction having the stadium there.  Its sad what is happening and its hard to be in Toluca and not be able to help the people in the city with the Earthquake cleanup.
We are seeing the signs of the last days.  I read about it the other day in 3 nefi about these signs and it was exactly on point 
so its just signs to warn us to be ready spiritually.

That was a great talk.  I love it and its so true!!!!

This week was good even though I was tired due to the fact that I only slept for two hours. On Monday we just had a little time to do some things and then we got to work.  We contacted a lot and it was great!!!!   Tuesday we had Elder Lara and Elder Morales (Brock knows Elder Morales from him mission ) came to our house to sleep over and to go to the temple with us.  We bought pizza and because of that and staying up talking I only got two hours of sleep.  We woke up at 3 to get to the church to leave.   The car ride was fun going there singing songs and experiences that has happened to us in the mission and then we got to the temple and we had a great conference about sacrifices and being willing to sacrifice our prized possessions for God and then we went to the temple and I had revelation and that is something personal but it was awesome.  On the way back we got to talk some more and it rained super hard and we got back late.   I got to see Elder Osorio and Elder Edwards!!!! 
Thursday we worked normal.  Friday we found a family that the dad lived in the United States for a while... 19 years in fact and his whole family got baptized but him and so we taught him on Saturday the Restoration and it was a great lesson and my child did great teaching.  So they are our investigators right now.  We are excited to continue and hope they progress so that they can make a convent with God through the waters of baptism.   We got to take pics up on a hill and you can see the whole city!!!!!

That was my week.  We have a lot of people to teach this week so we hope its a good one.  I love you!!!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Elder Cleverly with Elder Osorio and Elder Edwards

Monday, September 18, 2017

September 18, 2017~"One of God's Greatest Gifts is the Joy of trying again."

I left the last area because I had a lot of time as Zone Leader and President usually changes Zone Leaders after 4 changes and I went one more as Zone Leader and now I'm training again as District Leader haha.  I have been blessed to be in leadership positions and my comp is trying to learn English.  He just asks me questions and doesn't study so I write down what he needs to study first before he asks questions.
Yeah there is a volcano here and I want to go but we don't have permission because we are going to go as a mission together.  It does get snow.  Where I'm at there is a soccer team called the 
Diablos... they are pretty good and you already know I'm going to buy a jersey hahah

Thats good that the game turned out well.  I'm glad that Stock got to play too.  Thats too bad about BYU... they just don't seem to have the offense that they want and need changes I think. 

This week was the week of Independence Day in Mexico and this day is always crazy and we don't seem to have much success because there is no one in the streets...but this day I love here but it will be the last time I will be here during Independence Day the rest of the mission.... anyways on Thursday we had a really good day of working and so I taught my child how to contact and so we contacted and we found a couple of people as well.   Something that we are doing is that we are asking for references because we literally don't have anyone to teach so we are asking if they know anyone that we can teach... nothing yet, but the Ward and the members are great.  I like being here.  Its just I have been changing so much I haven't been able to establish anything due to the changes and not having a comp that know the area either.  It is a challenge and so I'm up for it.   Friday is when we had Independence Day and well we didn't find much but we had a party and well the church was full of people and it was fun... but since it was dangerous for us to be out on this day we went home at 8 but before we went home we had to buy food and drinks and we stayed up watching the fireworks so that was fun. The next day on Saturday was the actual Independence Day, the 16th but they celebrate it for 2 days and we started working earlier and well there was nobody in the streets because everyone was in the center at the parade haha.   After that we went with a family and ate breakfast some tacos and Atole (a Spanish drink) super good.... as well as papaya with honey haha  then we passed by with more people but nothing.  We didn't find anybody and President wanted us in house at 7 so we got home and went to bed earlier because we stayed up the night before and there isn't much going on at night on the 16th. The next day we had church and I gave a talk so I have talked now in each Ward and I also taaught Sunday School class which was about sacrifices and during that all you could hear was GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  because the soccer stadium of the Diablos is super close so we heard everything hahaha.   We passed by with a few members after that and then we went home and now its today and we haven't done anything and won't do anything today because p-day ends at 1 and we need to work because we are going to the Temple on Wednesday!!!!

So that has been my week and here are some pics...I love you Mom!!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September 13, 2017~"There are More Ways to See than with Our Eyes"~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf

1.  So this week is transfer week.  It came so fast, I almost forgot it was.  Everything still the same for you?
No I am in Toluca now the center... its called centro. I'm training and he is brand new missionary.

2.  Glad you were safe from the Earthquake.  When I heard about it I really didn't worry too much because it hit far enough away from you that I figured it didn't effect you.  But did you feel it?
Yeah we felt it but the main damage was far away..Yeah President wanted to calm all the families that were calling him 

Thats crazy that the fire was so close hasn't been so close before to our house but you can see that we are in the last days. 

So this week  me and Elder Bonner finished traveling all over the place.  we had to go to other areas to do some things that were important. We didn't really work in our area that much and on Sunday we weren't expecting anyone to come but a guy that we contacted a while ago came.  He had read some of the Book of Mormon and he had questions so he came to church and he had a heart attack and so came because of that as well.  After we got the call that I would be leaving and I was sad because I have enjoyed being with Elder Bonner but thats how the changes are. I was told that I'm going to open an area and with a child (new missionary) so I have a new missionary.  His name is Elder Castillo and he is from Veracruz and he is learning quickly.  We haven't been able to have a full day of work yet due to changes and then trying to find members and with today being p-day but tomorrow we should be able to settle down and get to work.   I'm in the center of the capital of Toluca and its cool here... different from the city but then again I haven't been in the pueblos for 10 months haha.   So thats really whats happened with me.  I hope you guys have a good week. Love you mom!!!
Elder Cleverly

One of the room's in Elder Cleverly's house that he just left in Anahuac 

Kitchen in last area

Elder Cleverly's bed

Elder Cleverly with Elder Johnson (who was a past companion he trained) with his new companion that he will train

Elder Cleverly with his new companion Elder Castillo from Veracruz Mexico.  He will be training Elder Castillo

The New Missionaries and their Trainers.  Elder Cleverly and his Comp are on the 2nd row from the back

Another picture of Elder Cleverly with Elder Castillo

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September 4, 2017~"Believe You Can and You are Halfway There"

1.  What was important to you about this past week?
I will answer that in my what happened in my week

2.  What has the weather been like?
Its rainy here like everyday

3.  Have you seen or spoke with Elder Edwards lately?
I spoke to him today but other then that no

Thats good that they won.  I am glad that they played good!!!!
Tell Brock that I say happy birthday 

So this week I think has been the week of my conversion. It was a hard week to take in, not because it was something hard or that we weren't in our area, the hard part was the fact that we aren't going to baptize this change... But it was the best week of my life.  So we first started with concilio (council) which I really enjoyed.  Honestly it was a good time being able to share experiences that have helped us get better and do great things.  I learned and loved when we talked about the doctrine and what is it and how we should understand it.   I also loved the invitation of Elder Osorio:
Vivir (Live)
Comprender (Understand)
EnseƱar (Teach)
This is a great invitation... to first live and understand the doctrine and then teach it and that was something I loved from concilio (counsel) that we learned about.  After that we went to El Mirador and I got to work with Elder Johnson who is new and is learning and it was fun to be with him and be able to teach him and learn from him because the new missionaries are always eager to learn and ready to work.  I think after awhile we stop trying to learn or we think we know everything.  I know that isn't the case because I have learned a lot every single change that I have had.  We can always learn from the new missionaries... a lot of things. I didn't sleep the best that night...I gave up on sleeping because it was so uncomfortable sleeping on a couch that is in the house in El Mirador haha but thats alright.  On Saturday we contacted a camion (truck)... we just got up in front of like 50 people and we told them who we were and what we do and if we could pass by with them and we contacted each person on that bus haha.... but the stories that I want to share are the stories of some people that we have met.
So first is a guy named Alejandro and he has seen the missionaries before but never talked to them, but me and my comp contacted him like a week ago and thought nothing of it, but he was looking for us and found us in Santiago, a different area, and we were able to talk to him and he told us about the day we first contacted him and how it had been a hard day and he had left his house to get some air and that is when we contacted him and it was just awesome to see God put him in our hands and he is really interested.  He is actually is a brother of one of the investigators we had in Castorena.
The next person was a reference from an Hermana and she has had a lot of difficulties in her family... her son, and husband, and parents have passed away, but her husband was a member and we went to the house.  We didn't have any directions or address just a reference... Green House haha and so we went to the house and there wasn't a green house but saw a house that had just been painted and so we knocked there and she lived there and come to find out she returned to her house early because she felt like she should be at home and then we showed up 10 minutes later so it was awesome.  The last is the sweetest girl ever!  We left a pamphlet with her and she read it.  She is 8 years old and she was so excited to listen to us. Her mom wouldn't let us in because her husband was there but it was cool to see these people so happy to see us and hear what we have to say.

So that is why I say its my conversion change because I have really worked and worked and worked and nothing but I have now seen these miracles in people and it just brings joy to my heart and I am so happy to be here and I think I would say this change has truly made me into the person that I want to become.

Elder Cleverly