Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 26, 2018~"The Way to Truly Love Yourself is to Remember Who You Are"

Yea I got the email with the sizes and and I got something for everyone even...Lexi and Fernanda!!!  Yeah I remember that day too haha it was good... do people know about that??? I don't know what I would do if I had it to do over again.  I liked knowing but who knows... I can't go back so I don't know what I would do!!!
The Buehlers are just great!!!! and the Grossens love having them around and so do we.  Its a little tiring to be teaching them everything but we are getting there.  Yeah the flat tire was fun but I am just glad that I didn't get my suit dirty.

That sounds like what we do as missionaries.  Sometimes we as missionaries are searching for people to teach and well we hear stories and we go up and just try to get to know them and love them first and from them we can teach them and well even if they are removed from the church... we should still not be afraid to share our beliefs and such even though they don't agree.  The only thing we can do in situations like that is to love and that is the best thing we can do in any situation.  We are teaching by example.  I'm not sure what their back story is on that but its not what I need to know. All we need to know is how to love them and do our best on doing that and from there it will be better and you will see them come around. They sound like great people and I'm glad that you went over and were a missionary for a day and helped someone. We have a friend that he isn't a member and doesn't really want to go to church and all we did was show him our love for him.  We were the only people that showed him love and well we received a message that he was going to take his life and he tried but ended up breaking his legs instead.  He talked to us after thanking us for the love and support that we have given even though we aren't family or someone he really knows.  Sometimes we will have those days that we don't know why we are doing things but we do them and later down the road you will see the results. I like the quote by Elder Holland that talks about blessings... its says: " Dont you quit. You keep walking , you keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon. Some come late. Some don't come until heaven but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. It will be alright in the end. trust god and believe in good things to come!!!

Its true, I am trying to be like Jesus everyday, have that love and compassion for everyone and its hard but you have to have your eye on the prize just like its says in 3 Nefi 13:33 that we should look for the kingdom of God first and the rest will be added upon it. I know that this is a great week to testify of our Savior because everyone is focused on the Savior and not on the Virgin or anything else.  They are focused on our hermano mayor (Older Brother) our ejemplo perfecto (perfect example) someone that is willing to do anything for us and so during this week I challenge you guys to learn and study and come prepared to learn more about our Savior and come with questions on the Savior and personally how he blesses your lives.  He blesses my life one through the people he has put around me and the examples that I have to learn from. That is one of many and I know you will find more than just one.

This week was a crazy one because it was a lot of training and a lot of stress because we were doing the close so it took a lot of time and energy out of us but we got through it and we are on a more tranquilo week hahah. I love you Mom so much and I sent a sneak peek on things I bought so just know that its something Mexicana!!!

Elder Cleverly 

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