Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 19, 2018~"He Transforms Darkness into Light, Grief into Hope & Loneliness to Love"~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Yes the couple  did get here and they are great.  They are from Malad!  They will help us a lot...I'm excited!  I did get did get the video of my mission call.  It was cool and I have it on my phone and watch it often!  Yep it was really fun working with Elder Lipscomb and was great seeing my old area.
They do things different here that is for sure and well the tacos are so good I love them!
Thats good that you guys still had fun even though the weekend wasn't as successful but we will see if they can pick it up.  I know that it does help you see how well you will do if they will bounce back and go hard so we will see what will happen

So our week was just a long one and tiring but we got through it. I will start with Tuesday and well we had our meeting with Elder Pino and he talked a lot about our mission call, the paper we receive and what we do with it and how sometimes we don't read it all and what it explains and how  we should always remember that we accepted this call and should take it to heart and use it to work hard. So I was happy that I received the video and photo before haha. We got home at like 830 so we got ready for the next day and then we went home so we could get ready and then the next day we had the meeting again but in the pueblos and after we worked in the offices and got some visa stuff done which is a pain sometimes.   On Thursday we had consejo (counsel) and it was super good and we talked with President about it after and we felt so inspirado!!! (inspired)  After that we had the couple come in and we met them and they are just wonderful .  Elder Buehler is just the happiest guy in the world... they are just so great. On Saturday we went and worked with the APs in their area so I got to go back to Castorena and had a blast again.  It was fun. After that my Comp and I got some food and headed back home!!   Sunday we went to church and after the first ward we had to go change the tire on Hermana Grossen's car haha so that is what the picture is of.   It was fun and then we had a meeting with President that night and we were with the Buehlers too.   Today we had our meeting and we don't have P day today because we are going to train the Buehlers so they can help work.  We will have P day on Saturday because this week again is just going to be crazy!!!

We that's about it so I hope you guys get some wins...I love you!!!

Elder Cleverly 

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