Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 26, 2018~"The Way to Truly Love Yourself is to Remember Who You Are"

Yea I got the email with the sizes and and I got something for everyone even...Lexi and Fernanda!!!  Yeah I remember that day too haha it was good... do people know about that??? I don't know what I would do if I had it to do over again.  I liked knowing but who knows... I can't go back so I don't know what I would do!!!
The Buehlers are just great!!!! and the Grossens love having them around and so do we.  Its a little tiring to be teaching them everything but we are getting there.  Yeah the flat tire was fun but I am just glad that I didn't get my suit dirty.

That sounds like what we do as missionaries.  Sometimes we as missionaries are searching for people to teach and well we hear stories and we go up and just try to get to know them and love them first and from them we can teach them and well even if they are removed from the church... we should still not be afraid to share our beliefs and such even though they don't agree.  The only thing we can do in situations like that is to love and that is the best thing we can do in any situation.  We are teaching by example.  I'm not sure what their back story is on that but its not what I need to know. All we need to know is how to love them and do our best on doing that and from there it will be better and you will see them come around. They sound like great people and I'm glad that you went over and were a missionary for a day and helped someone. We have a friend that he isn't a member and doesn't really want to go to church and all we did was show him our love for him.  We were the only people that showed him love and well we received a message that he was going to take his life and he tried but ended up breaking his legs instead.  He talked to us after thanking us for the love and support that we have given even though we aren't family or someone he really knows.  Sometimes we will have those days that we don't know why we are doing things but we do them and later down the road you will see the results. I like the quote by Elder Holland that talks about blessings... its says: " Dont you quit. You keep walking , you keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon. Some come late. Some don't come until heaven but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. It will be alright in the end. trust god and believe in good things to come!!!

Its true, I am trying to be like Jesus everyday, have that love and compassion for everyone and its hard but you have to have your eye on the prize just like its says in 3 Nefi 13:33 that we should look for the kingdom of God first and the rest will be added upon it. I know that this is a great week to testify of our Savior because everyone is focused on the Savior and not on the Virgin or anything else.  They are focused on our hermano mayor (Older Brother) our ejemplo perfecto (perfect example) someone that is willing to do anything for us and so during this week I challenge you guys to learn and study and come prepared to learn more about our Savior and come with questions on the Savior and personally how he blesses your lives.  He blesses my life one through the people he has put around me and the examples that I have to learn from. That is one of many and I know you will find more than just one.

This week was a crazy one because it was a lot of training and a lot of stress because we were doing the close so it took a lot of time and energy out of us but we got through it and we are on a more tranquilo week hahah. I love you Mom so much and I sent a sneak peek on things I bought so just know that its something Mexicana!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 19, 2018~"He Transforms Darkness into Light, Grief into Hope & Loneliness to Love"~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Yes the couple  did get here and they are great.  They are from Malad!  They will help us a lot...I'm excited!  I did get did get the video of my mission call.  It was cool and I have it on my phone and watch it often!  Yep it was really fun working with Elder Lipscomb and was great seeing my old area.
They do things different here that is for sure and well the tacos are so good I love them!
Thats good that you guys still had fun even though the weekend wasn't as successful but we will see if they can pick it up.  I know that it does help you see how well you will do if they will bounce back and go hard so we will see what will happen

So our week was just a long one and tiring but we got through it. I will start with Tuesday and well we had our meeting with Elder Pino and he talked a lot about our mission call, the paper we receive and what we do with it and how sometimes we don't read it all and what it explains and how  we should always remember that we accepted this call and should take it to heart and use it to work hard. So I was happy that I received the video and photo before haha. We got home at like 830 so we got ready for the next day and then we went home so we could get ready and then the next day we had the meeting again but in the pueblos and after we worked in the offices and got some visa stuff done which is a pain sometimes.   On Thursday we had consejo (counsel) and it was super good and we talked with President about it after and we felt so inspirado!!! (inspired)  After that we had the couple come in and we met them and they are just wonderful .  Elder Buehler is just the happiest guy in the world... they are just so great. On Saturday we went and worked with the APs in their area so I got to go back to Castorena and had a blast again.  It was fun. After that my Comp and I got some food and headed back home!!   Sunday we went to church and after the first ward we had to go change the tire on Hermana Grossen's car haha so that is what the picture is of.   It was fun and then we had a meeting with President that night and we were with the Buehlers too.   Today we had our meeting and we don't have P day today because we are going to train the Buehlers so they can help work.  We will have P day on Saturday because this week again is just going to be crazy!!!

We that's about it so I hope you guys get some wins...I love you!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Monday, March 12, 2018

March 12, 2018~"True Happiness Comes Only By Making Others Happy"

Yeah the Howe family is a great family!!  Bro. Crimin is awesome!  I loved being in his seminary class.  That is awesome that McCord and his wife will be at the same school... that's exciting!!!

Our week has been a stressful one because I had to get visas done but I messed up three times and so we had to keep going back and back.  I think we went about 5 times to get it done and I also had to go to the airport to get some visa things fixed because there was an error that happened and so we had to go there to get it fixed. On Saturday I got to work with Elder Lipscomb and we went and worked in Castorena.  It was super fun and we saw some amazing miracles. First we went and visited a family that was less active.  When I was there in that area I found that family and they all were not members and so I told Elder Lipscomb that I knew of this family and that they were not all members and so we found them and talked with them and well they are going to get baptized here soon. It was super cool because I was the last Elder to visit them and that was in July.   After that we contacted people that I contacted a while ago and then we saw my converts and investigators that I taught and now Elder Lipscomb is going to go teach them because they are interested in listening now which is super cool.  The coolest part of it all is that Elder Lipscomb didn't know the people and if I wasn't there he would have never found them like we did. After that I did a baptism interview and the person was so wonderful and then we went to an activity and we played the acting out game and they have to guess and well I am amazing at acting so we got it super quick and won. After that we had a couple of investigators at church and so that was exciting and then we had a lesson and a meeting with President.  We ate pie in our house with President and hung out for an hour while we were waiting for an Elder that was finishing his mission today.  It was a fun time with President and all that.  Now we are going to have a busy week because we have the mission tour and consejo (council) and the new couple comes in so we are pumped!!!

That was my week... to describe the fotos... one is the tacos that I ate the other day.... the other is of a guy with a huge umbrella.  He was walking around with it and I thought it was funny because it wasn't hot nor raining. The video is our guard fixing our gas line with fire... not smart and his fixing technique is so funny. After that we had french toast on Saturday with the APs and today we went and got churros and so that is where we took the foto with the sweet view!!!! Well I think that is everything.  I love you!!!!​

Monday, March 5, 2018

March 5, 2018~ "In God's Eternal Plan Salvation is an Individual Matter; Exaltation is a Family Matter"~ Russell M. Nelson

1.  So do you think the next transfer you will be leaving the office?  
Yeah I will probably leave the offices and train or be a zone leader or something like that.  Trust me I will go hard because I'm pumped to get out and just work super hard...It will be great!!

2.  We were laughing over the video with the little girl climbing the wall and sliding down the post.  Was that during church or after church?  And was she just doing it over and over again?  Haha...yeah it was after church.  The children go crazy and she was doing it over and over again! 

We were all over the place last week but yeah its fun to have a chance to see all the missionaries and have a blast talking to them. 
Yes Elder Bonner is training him... he is huge!  It does help a lot to do exercise and we have started running too so it has been super good to get out and move.  Yeah it was weird to have the hermanas leave because they came with us and now they are gone but hey it was their time to go.

I was asked how I felt so far with my mission and I honestly do feel good with what I have done and well it still hasn't hit me that I have a few changes left but I am still fresh, still verdecito (little green) so I will keep working till I am in President's house again.  I know one day you'll meet Elder Jacobsen's mom.... you always find some way to meet them haha.

I didn't know about Char... that is great!!! That is good that Stock is doing well and will get some time and hopefully he can step up and be a big contributor.  I do know what Top Golf is I just have never been! I heard about it before I left because it was brand new.  When we go, I will show you how to play haha.

Coco is better in Spanish!! It has a lot of culture that is so true...I love it! The singer is from Cuajimalpa where I was with Elder Bonner

I understand what you were saying and it is hard because you don't want your kids to suffer and fall and you want to be there with them always but just like riding a bike you have to let go or they will never learn just like our Father in Heaven did for us and it is true...we were left to do it on our own and he gave us rules and told us to follow them but he is not forcing it on anyone he just knows whats going to happen if we don't follow the rules and so that is why he puts so much emphasis on why its important to follow the commandments and we have to choose whether to follow or not and he doesn't punish us for not following we actually punish ourselves because of the consequences.  What God does is gives us the choice, tells us which one is right and then lets us decide through our desires and sometimes we fall and sometimes we choose the right but in the end God still loves us and knows us personally and will help us when we fall.  He won't kick us while we are down and say its your fault and give us more punishments like sometimes we do to people or the way parents do sometimes but rather he will pick us up brush us off and will help us choose the right. It is hard but if it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. Don't worry I don't feel like I was pressured into doing the right from you guys. I think you made it clear what was right and was what wrong and I suffered with the consequences whether I chose good or bad so its a learning process that we will all have to go through and no one is exempt from it and that is why we just have to love each other and help when they fall because we went through it too and we never want to see someone suffer.

Yes President is a great guy and I look to him as a second dad and I'm gratful to have the best father in the world and a President that loves and cares for us... shout out to my dad... you are the best!!!! and I'm also blessed to be here in Mexico and serve the people and I have enjoyed a lot of moments here and its sad that it will come to an end soon but I will come back for sure and will bring you guys along to see all the wonderful things there are about the people and the culture.

This week was pretty normal. After the new ones came in and we sent them off we went to President's house to help the Hermanas and Elder Bingham with their luggage and plan for the next day.  The next day me and my comp we were in the airport from 4:30 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon.  It was a long day but it was fun and we got to help a lot of people out while we were there so I felt like we were there for that long for a reason.  We were able to be a light to a few people there. After that it was pretty normal... just regular work nothing too crazy but that is alright because we will have plenty of locura (madness) in the upcoming weeks so stay tuned.  Just know that I am loving every moment and pondering and thinking and reflecting on the people I want to be with that last day and I am thinking on how I can finish my mission strong and I'm excited to get out soon to do that for 3 more months before its time for me to go and to leave Mexico but it doesn't mean I don't stop being an example and someone who searches the sciptures.. it doesn't mean that I stop being a missionary when I go back to the real world... now in the mission is a time to learn discipline and I'm being disciplined in what I do so that when I get back I'm disciplined and can help others do the same.  I won't be doing things of the church 24 hours a day but I still will be that 24 hour missionary.  I won't have my plaque on but mine is engraved in my heart and I will remember all the good that came and will remember all the trials and challenges and I will be able to look back and say I did that and I am the Lord's servant and I can teach my future kids that so they know the love of the Lord and they can come to realize that we are in the best times of the history of the world because we have the gospel of Jesus Christ... restored here on the earth. We are blessed and we need to be an example for others so they can see our light and wonder how they can have that too. I leave that with you guys and know that I love you so much and know this church is true and that I'm in the place where I'm suppose to be and I'm doing it with a SMILE!!!