This week I would say I grew spiritually in my testimony of the gospel and what we are doing because we didn't have much success at all. We got rejected a lot. This area is really hard. On Sunday we were contacting and we contacted a lot.. we finished contacting over 200 people and we didn't find much but on one of them we went to get directions and we contacted a guy to help us with directions and he told us where to go and then we started talking to him and he said he helped build some of the Temples in Mexico... he did the air conditioning and he said that we could pass by and so it was really cool because he has been to church and he likes it. He just stopped for a little while but now he is excited to hear and we hope that we can help him on this road. The funny part was that we wouldn't have gone to that street if we weren't looking for directions because there are not a lot of people in that area.. in fact he was the only one on the street so it was a cool experience!!
Well I like some of the candy here but I still don't have a favorite because the candy has chili powder and I don't like it but there are others that are good so I couldn't tell you honestly!!! That is good to hear about KT. Tell Stock Happy Birthday!!!!
I pretty much told you what happened this week at the beginning. We honestly had no success whatsoever because our area is hard. We are working so hard and we walk all day and get burned by the sun because we are in the streets all day but its good to say that when we get home that we accomplished something even though it wasn't anything big.
Funny Moments...
~First my Comp stepping in poop and almost falling on his face
~Getting a reference from a guy that wanted us to talk to his niece... turns out that she just thinks that we are good looking and that she does'nt want anything to do with the Religion.
~Getting attacked by Chihuahuas haha
~Falling on my butt trying to get down a hill haha
So that is really what happened. The pics are the differences in Mexico the poor and the rich check it out
I Love You Mom!!!!
Elder Cleverly
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