Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August 1, 2017~"Live Beyond WHAT IF, Find Joy in WHAT IS"

Andrew and Ivanna are awesome and they help us out a lot.  We baptized and ended this change with 25 baptisms in the Zone.  We had changes and me and Elder Bonner get to stay together but we changed areas in the Zone.  Because we did so good in our area,  President took us out to open another area.  The APs will take our place there so they can have a good area.  We are still Zone Leaders for another 6 weeks!!!  So I will be in Anahuac... its right next to the other area.  Celebrating a year was fun and well its been good to have President here even though he has been really stressed .  I hope that we can get better as a mission to have success!!!  Elder Bonner and I have had good success.  That's good that Stock had a good time at AP Camp.  Thats crazy that KT comes home soon.  I hope I get to see him and his family when I get back.

This week we did baptize Martin and so that was awesome but we had to leave.  We are clueless again due to opening the area and so we are trying to figure things out again.   We went to a museum today and to a castle so that is why we didn't write yesterday due to going today because it is closed on Mondays.  It was super fun. I am super tired all the time but I guess that is a good thing.  I hope that things can mellow out so we can get to work haha. Thats all I got.  I hope that this week is good and that you guys have a lot of fun.  I love you Mom and hope the best for everyone!!!!

Elder Cleverly

1 comment:

  1. Good on the baptisms! If you're good, you get moved around a lot. Tons of photos - good to see your smiling face again. Proud of you. JDooley
