Monday, August 28, 2017

August 28, 2017~"You Are Not Called to Serve in a Place; You are Called to Serve in Place of the Savior"

1.  What is something that you have learned from being companions with Elder Bonner?
Patience, hard work, love and looking at the good and working to work not for a prize 

2.  Was there any scary experiences this week?
No not really besides the fact that the dogs scare me sometimes 

3.  What was your favorite thing about this past week?
This past week.... well eating at Interlomas and having 6 people come to the Church!!!

Its good to hear about Stock and that you saw Mike too.  I miss that guy he is awesome haha.  Thats good that BYU won and that Kae is getting better... good to hear!!  Thanks for the pics.  

Well I don't really have much to say or pictures because it was the same thing everyday except Saturday and Sunday.  Saturday we went to Interlomas to eat and that was the coolest thing ever and then Sunday we had 6 people come to the church. The cool part was that we passed the sacrament and then everyone came in after and it was just a blessing to see them and to see that they came.  We had a good activity about the Book of Mormon and there were a lot of people there so we are super pumped going into this week even though we are not going to be in our area a lot this week.  I love you Mom...Sorry for the short email but there isn't a lot to say!!!

Elder Cleverly

Monday, August 21, 2017

August 21, 2017~"He Knows the Way because He is the Way"~Jeffery R. Holland

This week I would say I grew spiritually in my testimony of the gospel and what we are doing because we didn't have much success at all.  We got rejected a lot.  This area is really hard.  On Sunday we were contacting and we contacted a lot.. we finished contacting over 200 people and we didn't find much but on one of them we went to get directions and we contacted a guy to help us with directions and he told us where to go and then we started talking to him and he said he helped build some of the Temples in Mexico... he did the air conditioning and he said that we could pass by and so it was really cool because he has been to church and he likes it.  He just stopped for a little while but now he is excited to hear and we hope that we can help him on this road. The funny part was that we wouldn't have gone to that street if we weren't looking for directions because there are not a lot of people in that area.. in fact he was the only one on the street so it was a cool experience!!

Well I like some of the candy here but I still don't have a favorite because the candy has chili powder and I don't like it but there are others that are good so I couldn't tell you honestly!!! That is good to hear about KT.  Tell Stock Happy Birthday!!!!

I pretty much told you what happened this week at the beginning.  We honestly had no success whatsoever because our area is hard.  We are working so hard and we walk all day and get burned by the sun because we are in the streets all day but its good to say that when we get home that we accomplished something even though it wasn't anything big.

Funny Moments...
~First my Comp stepping in poop and almost falling on his face
~Getting a reference from a guy that wanted us to talk to his niece... turns out that she just thinks that we are good looking and that she does'nt want anything to do with the Religion.
~Getting attacked by Chihuahuas haha
~Falling on my butt trying to get down a hill haha

So that is really what happened.  The pics are the differences in Mexico the poor and the rich check it out
I Love You Mom!!!!

Elder Cleverly

Monday, August 14, 2017

August 14, 2017~"No One is Destined to Fail"~Henry B. Eyring

1.  Did you get the package I sent you?
yeah I got it... thanks!!!

2.  What is a spiritual experience you had this week?
my spiritual experience I got to have was that I got to teach with President this past week and it was just a spiritual lesson to be with him again and Elder Osorio teaching the gospel and having a great lesson and just being able to feel the spirit so strong is just great

3.  Did you get to eat with Elder Pino?  How did that go?
I didn't go... my comp with Elder Osorio did but they didn't eat with him they ate with the maid

I don't have too much because it was a week of finding and talking and talking some more and well we didn't have the results we wanted on Sunday and it was devastating because we worked so hard this week and thought we would have a good turn out and guess what... it was just a let down but I am not going to let it get me down..I'm going to keep working and hopefully we can have success and hopefully we can find the people we are suppose to and well if we don't we weren't suppose to find them but if we do its because we are suppose too and I thank God for the chance I have to work super hard everyday and show my faith in Him and hopefully we can see the fruits of our work.

Today we had an activity and Elder Bonner and I cooked French Toast and bacon and eggs and then we played hockey and we had a Missionary feud or Family Feud as you guys know it as and it was super fun!!!   My companion made fun of me because I have fear of dogs haha...I love you mom!!! I'll talk to you next week!!!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

August 7, 2017~"Service is the Real Key to Joy"

1.  Will you still go to the same church building in this new area?
~yeah haha... its super close its just that the APs are in Castorena now and Zone Leaders in Anahuac!

2.  What is the place like that you live in in this area?
~its not as nice...I mean its not like Granjas or Tacuba but its alright... its just not Castorena haha... we miss Castorena a lot

Thats sweet that I will see Dar and Nola and when I do I will take a picture with them... hopefully soon!!!!!  Dang honestly I miss 2 a days because it was fun but I didn't like doing it while I was there haha.  Thats awesome to hear that Stock is hanging out with good people!!!

This week was pretty crazy.  We have been working a lot trying to find people to teach because we weren't left with anything and so we are starting from scratch again but it was fun this week because we worked hard and we found people and even though we had only one investigator at church it was a successful week and so I was satisfied with the results. 

Our area, our Ward is where the Seventy lives in Mexico, Elder Pino.... so we talked with Elder Pino and we will be eating with him on Wednesday. Elder Pieper and Elder Valenzuela of the Seventies live there also and the Ward is the smallest in the Stake. There were only 45 people at church this week and in Castorena there are 150 so there is a big difference and we hope that it gets better.  We still haven't settled down because we are still running all over the place to help the Zone because there are five areas that are being opened up but that's alright because I know our area and I can work here.  It's a challenge but I hope that I can show that through our hard work anything is possible and that we will see the miracles from the work. 

Today we went to the "Mysteries of the Monks."  Its a place of straight silence and so it was cool to see that and also there was a movie filmed there called kilómetro 31.  I don't think I have seen it but I know what its about and I went there haha.   We will have our Conference this week and we will be talking about Love and Faith because that is what our Zone is about so we are hoping that we can have a good conference.   The mission has shown me the importance to always be a witness of Him.   We are trying to change the culture here in our Mission... to have a Mission of Zion, a Culture of Christ... to have the love for the Gospel and for others.  I know through our love for Him we can do anything and that is why I am here on a mission... to help others find the love and the happiness to follow him... to love one another.... to walk in the sun all day talking to strangers, keep the commandments, to preach His Gospel because we love him.   Thats about it so  I love you and I hope that you have a good week!!!!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August 1, 2017~"Live Beyond WHAT IF, Find Joy in WHAT IS"

Andrew and Ivanna are awesome and they help us out a lot.  We baptized and ended this change with 25 baptisms in the Zone.  We had changes and me and Elder Bonner get to stay together but we changed areas in the Zone.  Because we did so good in our area,  President took us out to open another area.  The APs will take our place there so they can have a good area.  We are still Zone Leaders for another 6 weeks!!!  So I will be in Anahuac... its right next to the other area.  Celebrating a year was fun and well its been good to have President here even though he has been really stressed .  I hope that we can get better as a mission to have success!!!  Elder Bonner and I have had good success.  That's good that Stock had a good time at AP Camp.  Thats crazy that KT comes home soon.  I hope I get to see him and his family when I get back.

This week we did baptize Martin and so that was awesome but we had to leave.  We are clueless again due to opening the area and so we are trying to figure things out again.   We went to a museum today and to a castle so that is why we didn't write yesterday due to going today because it is closed on Mondays.  It was super fun. I am super tired all the time but I guess that is a good thing.  I hope that things can mellow out so we can get to work haha. Thats all I got.  I hope that this week is good and that you guys have a lot of fun.  I love you Mom and hope the best for everyone!!!!

Elder Cleverly