Monday, January 9, 2017

January 9, 2017~""Trust God and Believe in Good Things to Come"

1.  How close are you now to the Mission Home?
I'm pretty close now.  The area of the APs are in our Zone

2.  How is this area different than your last area?
Well its in the city so its a lot bigger and has a lot more stuff that are more modern and the capilla (Chapel) here is huge!!!!

3.  What is your house like?
The house is tiny.  I will take a picture of it next week

4.  Have you settled in your new area?
Yeah its normal now and the members are great here!!!

5.  How are things with your "child"?
haha well his last companion wasn't the best so I have to start from scratch but we are working.  He likes to work and he is learning the Spanish.

I am busy but I like it though and the Zone Leaders tell me that I am doing a great job and know a lot of what to do so I feel better about all the responsibility.  Everyone in my generation is training because President trusts my generation and he trusts me because past companion of my child didn't do a very good job so he trusts that I will get him ready for what he needs.   Its a lot of work but it says in my blessing that if I'm organized, I will be able to do everything I need to... even with all the responsibility I have.

Of course Stockton got in a wreck ...I was the only one that never got into a wreck and ruined the car haha.  Coop is leaving wow thats crazy.

This week was super good.  I arrived and cut my hair and passed by with some members who are super cool.  Elder Lipscomb was here so its kinda cool to know that....after we worked hard and set two dates for baptism with a girl named Patricia and Maria.   I had my first junta de districto (District Meeting) and we had the Zone Leaders and the APs there so it was a little nerve racking but thats alright because it was super good.   I had my first entrevistas (interviews) as well which was super scary but everything was good with that too.   I have hermanas in my area so I have to call them every night to make sure everything is going well in their area.   Hermana Martinez is in my zone so I see her a lot and Elder Bradley as well... so I see them a lot.   Its a good area.... just have to work hard because my child is still learning and his companion wasn't the best so I have to change a lot of things but its chill because I like it.   I don't know the area very well but its big and we walk everywhere but its not hills so it isn't so bad and the members here are awesome.   We went to the church and it is huge.... bigger here than in Utah and the members are super strong so its fun with them.   That is really it.... just getting to know the area, the members and investigadores in our area as well as helping the District.   I don't have pics but I will take pics later and send them to you.   We did get to talk with President because he was in our area so we got to talk with him.   Oh and we baptized a family for the hermanas yesterday as well.  Just know that I'm working hard and having a blast here.... love ya and   I will talk to you next week!!!

Elder Cleverly 


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