Monday, January 2, 2017

January 2, 2017~"Happy New Year"

1.  Did they do anything interesting for New Year's there?
Just fireworks haha

2.  So do you know if you will be staying or leaving this transfer?
So I left the area.  I'm in Camarones Granjas with a "child" (they call people they are training "child") and I am District Leader 

3.  Did you get baptisms?
We had one baptism this past week se llama Hermilo

Its crazy how much time flies haha.... but now we are in January. We had to go to the house early for New Years... so we didn't do anything but watch fireworks on the roof.   Thats crazy about Becca haha but thats the life after the mission... people get married. 

So this week... well we had a baptism of Hermilo and we couldn't find time to Baptize the others so they will be baptized this next week but I won't be there and my companion either because we both left the area!!!!!!   It was super crazy that we left but I am in a super cool area with a companion se llama Elder Johnson.   He is cool.  Its his second change so he is a child and I'm a mom haha (Elder Cleverly is training in addition to District Leader).   It was super fun in Ixtapan.  We just visited a lot of members and then we left.  It wasn't the funnest thing because people were crying but thats ok.   I want to go back there again.  I liked that area alot. That's pretty much it... not a lot of things happened this week... just got ready to leave.   We did have a activity with the APs and it was super fun.  It was the last thing we did as a Zone!!!! Thats pretty much it.  My new comp is from Las Vegas and he played baseball for UNLV.  I will get to know him more over the weeks. I love ya Mom and  I hope you guys have a good week!!!!

Elder Cleverly

Baptism of Hermilo

 Hermilo's Baptism

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