Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April 11, 2018~"True Disciples Love the Lord more than the World, are not Confused by the Voices of the World, and Make Holy Where They Stand"~ Massimo DeFeo

1.  Well where did you end up at? and who is your companion?
I'm in Tejulegos!!! no the real name is Tejupilco but they say Tejulegos because it is super far away. My comp his name is Elder Luna.  He is from El Salvador.

2.  Who took your place in the office?
His name is Elder Boggess... great missionary.  He is relatively new

That would be cool if the tempmle was right there.  It would be close to our house. Yeah conference was super good. I'm still in awe about what happened.

Yeah I play croquet.  Its super fun but now I can't play because I left:(  I bought the airline ticket haha.... it was the last thing I did before I left because I had to show Elder Boggess how to buy them.  It was the only flight that day from Delta so that is the only time we could have gone

That is good that Kaelyn is going to tryout. Also good that you had some mother daughter time... its always good. We will see if baseball if they come together as a team or not.

Last week I was training Elder Boggess to take my spot which was super hard and I was anxious to know where I was going to and on Sunday in the night President told me I would be going to Tejupilco...a place super far away but I was excited because it is like Ixtapan... its a pueblito but its hot here thats for sure haha. Also its super far away and I got so used to being in Palmas that I feel like I will be here for a little bit and then I will be going back to Palmas but I don't think that will happen anytime soon because of the distance. Its weird that I won't be by President but I know that I'm suppose to be here and I will enjoy every moment but I will miss Palmas. The funny part is that I will be going back to Palmas but when I do it will be because I will be going home which is so soon...I'm nervous!!!! But I don't have much else to say because I have only been here for a day but I do like it a lot and probably will finish my mission here. Its real now!
I love you mom!!!​

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