Monday, January 22, 2018

January 22, 2018~"If We Look to the World and Follow its Formulas for Happiness, We Will Never Know Joy"

1.  We got a new Prophet.  What are thoughts on all of it?  
It was cool how they explained how the system works and who will be the new prophet and I sustain the new prophet...Nelson
He is in great shape!

Yeah the transfers are going fast and I have 5 months left.... that is crazy Mom!!!  There were 9 new missionaries that came but there are going to be more...yeah we are early risers!  Elder Jacobsen is awesome!  He went to BYU before the mission.    He and I get a long so well.  Yeah it will be my last birthday here so I hope its good.  I'm excited for my birthday!!!!

This week was nothing too exciting... just the normal work in the offices but it has been a blast going with Elder Jacobsen.  He is a great guy and we have had some fun. He is stressed because he hasn't been trained so I have tried to help him but its a little difficult so we are going through it one day at a time.   The airport went well except that one Hermana missed her flight so her fam was a little upset and well she was crying.   Nothing else after that just looking forward to my birthday!!!! I love you Mom!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Elder Cleverly with his new companion Elder Jacobsen