I'm talking about Missionaries haha
2. So are there 4 of you that live at the place? Do you get along well with all of them?
No just me and my Comp live here. The APs live in the Castorena house where I used to live
3. Did they celebrate the Dia de los Muertos?
Yeah its super crazy here. They all put up their offerings to their dead and they will stay there all night just watching the food. Its super strange but I hear the movie Coco is about that and that its pretty on point.
I'm definitely going to have stories to tell haha and well the candy is gone now. I shared it with some missionaries and now its gone. Yes I'm excited to keep traveling and to see new areas and old areas because its cool to see. We get home whenever we want sometimes haha. I heard about the Astros winning. Its awesome that they won it.
This week was a good one and I'll tell you why. We had consejo (counsel) and well its different seeing it from the other end of the table honestly and being able to participate is even better. So we had that and I was able to help the Leaders understand the importance of or responsibilities as Missionaries. It went well. After that, on Thursday, we were in the offices and we got to get out and work. We contacted a couple of people and it was fun being able to get out. After that, on Friday, I had to go to migracion (migration) to get some Visas done and well let me tell you if I did this for a job I would be getting paid bank. We got out on Friday too but not much luck. We found a couple of new people to teach but we didn't get out with a ton of time to get a lot of work done. On Saturday we worked a lot and we are excited for the people we found. There is this guy with cancer named Raul and we are excited to start talking to him and his girlfriend. Second we found a girl and this is a crazy story because we had two citas(appointments) but they both fell through so we went to a member's house and their daughter in law was there. We got to talk to her and she has had a rough life and so we were able to talk to her and we have a cita with her!!!! We have some other people that we have talked to and we will be passing by this week to see how they are but we are kind of excited!!!!! So those are the people we got. On Sunday we had a great lesson on putting on the Armour of God which was super good. It was talking about not bunkering down but getting up and going and fighting against the devil.. not just trying to avoid the darts. We had cereal and expired milk for dinner... disgusting, but we noticed that it was expired and so we didn't eat a lot but the good part was the APs came and brought us food. Today was a blast because we spent our P-day with President. We went to a tie factory and we got bow ties that we are going to wear for a conference and vests as well as other ties. President also took us outside of the mission to go to a store where you can buy all sorts of Mexican stuff so I bought a poncho!!!!! So that has been our week... just a blast! This week we will be giving shots to the missionaries!!!!! I'm excited haha but yea that was my week. I hope you guys have as good of a week as I did and I love you Mom!!!
Elder Cleverly with his Comp Elder Christensen |
Elder Cleverly with Elder Liscomb |
Elder ?, Elder Christensen, Elder Cleverly and Elder Liscomb |
Good report, Elder. One of your comments was about putting on the armor of God - made me wonder: Do you keep your coin on you? I am still givung them out to Priests committed to serving a mission. Praying for you every day, Elder Cleverly. J. Dooley