Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 23, 2017~ "Kindness is Powerful"

Thats too bad about baseball and well maybe next year will be better.  I know who his son is because he has come a couple times to the misión so I have met him.   Is Charly coming here for the MTC??????

So this week was just a normal week.  We didn't do too much but yesterday we had a Zone Conference and it was super good but super hot haha.  I spoke about Baptism and I compared it to Thomas Edison and how he spent the whole time trying to make the light bulb and if we do that with our lives... focus on the Góspel the entire day, it will have an impact and we will have more success and growth in the Góspel.  It was fun yesterday but other than that nothing really to report.   I Love You Mom... sorry for the short email.

Elder Cleverly 

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