Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 29, 2017~"We Were Not Placed on this Earth to Walk Alone" ~Thomas S. Monson

1.  Do you have to speak every Zone Conference?
Yeah... haha its part of my responsibility.

This week was good....super hot but a good week.  I got a little sick because we ate pizza and it didn't sit right in my stomach but that's alright.  I found something really cool in Alma 37:37 because I hadn't been sleeping much.   We have been continuing to teach Hector and his kids as well as two brothers, Jorge, Luis and Manuel and Carlos and Alfredo and Rosalia so we are doing good with that. We are hoping for all of them to get baptized this month.  We have dates so we will see what happens. Today we played soccer against the other Zone Leaders and the APs and it was super fun.  I will try to get the pics.  I played super good...I hurt now and I am so out of shape but I played good and I think people were surprised that I could actually play haha.   Its not a sport that I take time in but I'm an athlete and so I feel I can do it haha.   Not much more...we are going to be having Concilio (Council) and so I will have a lot more things to talk about because its been the same thing everyday so it feels like I don't have much news but we have been doing good... helping a lot of people so I'm enjoying it.  I have been able to see Elder Edwards and Osorio more.  We slept in there house yesterday and we talked a lot.  It was super fun.  I really enjoyed it and after the game we bought pizza and had a huge feast in their house haha. It was a good day today!

I just wanted to tell ya a story about what happened this week too. We had a lesson and it was a weird lesson because they didn't accept to listen to us again.  I went into the lesson dizzy and not really feeling well due to the pizza that I ate but then after we started teaching and I didn't feel bad again till after we got done. I thought it was a great lesson even though we didn't get accepted by them to come back but I saw the blessings of the power of God ...honestly it was cool.   Well that is what I got...I love ya and stay safe Mom!!!

Elder Cleverly with Elder Edwards

Mission Soccer

Eating Pizza with the AP's

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 23, 2017~ "Kindness is Powerful"

Thats too bad about baseball and well maybe next year will be better.  I know who his son is because he has come a couple times to the misión so I have met him.   Is Charly coming here for the MTC??????

So this week was just a normal week.  We didn't do too much but yesterday we had a Zone Conference and it was super good but super hot haha.  I spoke about Baptism and I compared it to Thomas Edison and how he spent the whole time trying to make the light bulb and if we do that with our lives... focus on the Góspel the entire day, it will have an impact and we will have more success and growth in the Góspel.  It was fun yesterday but other than that nothing really to report.   I Love You Mom... sorry for the short email.

Elder Cleverly 

Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15, 2017~ "Every Day May not be Good, But There is Something Good in Every Day"

We are working on the Baptisms right now.  We have some people so we will see how many and when.  We are working with Alfredo and Rosalia,Hector and his children and we have some references so we hope we got some good people.

Yeah, the world has gotten bad and it is just a way we can show our faith and its the truth that we are the strongest people because its a lot harder to grow up in this world.

Thanks for the letter Mom.  It was fun to talk to you guys and I hope that you guys play well!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

May 8, 2017~"Perhaps This is the Moment For Which You Have Been Created"

1.  Looks like its a transfer week...Do you know if you are staying?  
We had changes and I stayed but my comp left.  I have the child of  Davy Adams... his name is Elder Solis

Thats so funny about Davy because now I'm with his companion and I have heard a lot about him ...he was a leader in the mission haha. 
Thats super cool about the family of Fernanda... Will I see her on Sunday????  

I don't want to say too much because then we will not have anything to talk about on Sunday... so this week my comp left to another area and I got a new comp.  I'm LZ1 now and I'm super excited for this change... we will see how it goes. I don't know what else to say because this last week we didn't do much because we had to worry about numbers and stuff like that but now we are going to start off the new change right with a lot of people to teach so I'm hoping it will be good.  I love you Mom... keep up the good work!!

Elder Cleverly 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 1, 2017~"The Holy Ghost Warns, Comforts and Testifies"

1.  Did the Baptisms happen?
Yeah we had two...Alma y Monica

2.  Are things still going good with Elder Batz?
Yes,  we are having a good ole time... honestly its not the same as Elder Osorio but its still good haha

3.  So do you feel like you stay pretty organized as a Zone Leader?  Able to juggle things pretty well?  
Yeah we are doing pretty good... sometimes we forget things but thats alright... we aren't perfect haha

Thats sweet about the Jazz but now they play the Warriors which will be hard but a good game too.
So not a ton this week because we had to travel a lot and take a lot of pictures of the houses and do inspections of the houses.  We had to do 7 interviews for the Zone haha but we had a good week.  I will just tell you the story that I like the most... so we had two baptisms... the Mom Alma she lost her sight about 4 months ago and she has had a fear of water before, so now it is worse.  We had the interview and she passed but on Sunday we were really worried and her fear of the water and so was Paty her child and Monica her other child.  I was the one going to to do the Baptism and she usually screams but when I got in with her she didn't do anything... she was calm and controlled her fear and was Baptized... it was the scariest thing of my life but it ended up working out and I'm so glad that it did haha.   I know that the Lord allowed me to baptize her and it was honestly a miracle to be able to do it.  That honestly was my week.  We didn't work a whole lot this past week but we got what we needed to do.   We did get to hang with Elder Osorio and Elder Edwards because they did the interviews and we ate with them today!!!!   Not much else...sorry but yeah hope we have some more news next week... love ya!!!!

Elder Cleverly

Alma and Monica's Baptism

Obviously Elder Cleverly is getting fed well...KFC

Hanging with the AP's Elder Edwards and Elder Osorio