Monday, March 13, 2017

March 13, 2017~"Never let a Speed Bump become a Roadblock in your Life"

1.  Are there a lot of fast food places where you are at?  
Yeah and a lot of malls

2.  How was your temple visit?
It was awesome.  We had our zone meeting there and then we got to go into a session and I understood everything and just felt the biggest sense of happiness and joy 

3.  What was the Best thing about this past week?  What was the Worst?
The best was that we had two baptisms and the worst would have to be when we found out about a missionary in our zone that is being really disobedient and he is training with a kid that doesn't know anything so it was really bad

4.  I was worried when you said you had to go to the hospital.  So were you still not feeling well from when you had the tuna incident or was this something else?  So do you have a parasite?  How are you doing now?
Yeah after I just had pain and it was strong but Ii took my pills and everything is ok... it was a bacteria 
Yeah the medication was bad but I'm good now

I'm glad I found krispy kreme haha.  Stockton didn't do that bad keeping the walk streak alive.

This week was great... so we had a meeting with the Stake President in Lomas Verdes because we have to see how all the misisonaries are doing in that area and well we heard good things. We were with Presdient for that and so it was good to talk to him about the mission and just seeing him is always good. On Thursday we had our Zone Meeting and I talked about Lot's wife and how she was turned to stone because she looked back and how sometimes we want to return... we want to look back and want to do the things that are comfortable for us but then I talked about looking ahead and all the blessiong that are in store and even though we might not see the outcome, if we have faith and hope it will turn out fine and we will reap the blessings of God.   After we went to the temple which was awesome then we ate pizza and we went to the store.  I was temped to buy the quad in spanish because my scriptures are destroyed but I didn't because I didn't have the money to do it.   After we had another meeting with a different Stake President and we talked about the missionaries there as well and our plan.   On Friday I did an interview for the AP´s so I saw Elder Edwards and talked with him because their area is close to ours and so it was fun to talk to him.   On Saturday we had the interviews for Claudia and Nancy and they passed.   Elder Edwards and him comp did the interviews and after we searched for clothes for the baptism because we didn't have any.   Sunday we had the baptism and it was awesome because they were so excited and they started crying and then after we went to the temple again with them and they said it was the most beautiful place ever.   We will teach them more about that this week.   Today we ate panda express and I bought a backpack because a dog ripped up mine so I had to buy a new one.   We just kinda chilled in the house today and well I will tell you this.. Elder Osorio is like a brother of mine.  He is awesome and we get along really well.  I want to be with him another change but we believe he will leave this change so I won't be with him but we might ask for permission to be together this last change. 

That was my week.  I love you guys and hope you guys have a good week.  Talk to you later!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

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