Yeah I stayed but my comp se fue (he left)
2. When you said you had to go around and take pictures of houses...did you mean missionary houses? To check on cleanliness?
Yeah exactly... we take pictures of the houses to see how good they are
3. How did things go working with the AP's?
It was fun... really good work. We found a couple of people but we didn't work the whole day because they left
4. Is the Metro dirty?
Yes and super crowded
5. How come it took a while to do the confirmations of Claudia and Nancy?
Well we have to wait a week till they can be confirmed for everyone that is baptized as a convert
6. Are you excited for Conference? Can't believe its time again!
Yeah I am super excited because I will be able to understand haha
That would have been cool to see Seth and thats good that they did good and Stock is doing good but he just needs to relax. Thats awesome about Brock and Fernanda so now I will have another sister in law and you will get a taste of what I'm eating here.
This week was a lot of traveling and we didn't work alot. First on Tuesday we went and worked with the APs and it was fun. I worked with Elder Edwards and we had a good time. On Wednesday we had to close a house that the missionaries weren't living in and take everything out and so we didn't work that day either because then we went to the offices to drop it all off. Thursday we cleaned the house and paid for damages so we didn't work that day either. Friday we had two citas (appointments) and then we had to go to the stake center for the hermanas because they had to give us cedulas and then we ate and had to get keys for the house in Jacarandas and dropped them off when we went there and then I did an interview for an investigator so that was fun. Saturday we found out the changes so we visted with alot of members because my comp left and we did have a couple lessions too. On Sunday the same and then we had to go to the offices and President's house because my comp is the new AP... it was awesome for him and I was excited. So my new comp is Elder Batz. He was with Lipscomb. He is awesome. I knew him before too. Thats what went on this week. We did alot of things. I cried when Elder Osorio left. He really is a brother to me. I hope things are good and know that I love you and hope you have a good week.
Elder Cleverly