Monday, March 27, 2017

March 27, 2017~"Now is the Best Time to Start Becoming the Person You Want to Be"

1.  So are there any changes for this transfer?
Yeah I stayed but my comp se fue (he left)

2.  When you said you had to go around and take pictures of houses...did you mean missionary houses? To check on cleanliness?
Yeah exactly... we take pictures of the houses to see how good they are

3.  How did things go working with the AP's?
It was fun... really good work.  We found a couple of people but we didn't work the whole day because they left

4.  Is the Metro dirty? 
Yes and super crowded

5.  How come it took a while to do the confirmations of Claudia and Nancy?
Well we have to wait a week till they can be confirmed for everyone that is baptized as a convert

6.  Are you excited for Conference?  Can't believe its time again!
Yeah I am super excited because I will be able to understand haha

That would have been cool to see Seth and thats good that they did good and Stock is doing good but he just needs to relax.  Thats awesome about Brock and Fernanda so now I will have another sister in law and you will get a taste of what I'm eating here.

This week was a lot of traveling and we didn't work alot.  First on Tuesday we went and worked with the APs and it was fun.  I worked with Elder Edwards and we had a good time.   On Wednesday we had to close a house that the missionaries weren't living in and take everything out and so we didn't work that day either because then we went to the offices to drop it all off.   Thursday we cleaned the house and paid for damages so we didn't work that day either.   Friday we had two citas (appointments) and then we had to go to the stake center for the hermanas because they had to give us cedulas and then we ate and had to get keys for the house in Jacarandas and dropped them off when we went there and then I did an interview for an investigator so that was fun.  Saturday we found out the changes so we visted with alot of members because my comp left and we did have a couple lessions too.  On Sunday the same and then we had to go to the offices and President's house because my comp is the new AP... it was awesome for him and I was excited.   So my new comp is Elder Batz.  He was with Lipscomb.   He is awesome.  I knew him before too.   Thats what went on this week.  We did alot of things.  I cried when Elder Osorio left.  He really is a brother to me.  I hope things are good and know that I love you and hope you have a good week.

Elder Cleverly 

Monday, March 20, 2017

March 20, 2017~"Search Diligently, Pray Always & Be Believing, and All Things shall work Together for Your Good"

1.  So did a dog attack you since you said a dog ripped up your backpack and you had to get another?
No we were in a lesson and I wasnt paying attention and it ripped my backpack

2.  So you don't think you will keep your companion this next change?  You just got together.  Why would he leave so soon?
He has three changes here so its most likely that he will leave.  I hope he doesn't but we will see on Saturday

The temple was great honestly and the baptisms as well.  Sounds like a good week of baseball... the team didn't do to bad.. and
Stock should be happy.... sounds like he did good and I'm glad he is playing.  He will get his chance. Thats funny about Dom and the girlfriend haha.  I might be able to see Dar and Nola but I'm not sure. 

So this week was a lot of traveling because we have to take pictures of the houses and so we went a whole day traveling on Wednesday. Tuesday we had the district meeting and so we were in the stake center for half the day and on Thurday we went to the hospital because there is a Hermana that got surgery and so we took food to them and clothes for her Comp and then we traveled back to our area but the thing is is that the metro at 8 oclock is packed... like I can't move because there are so many people... it was crazy and you sweat so much because its hot from all the people.   After that we taught a family named fam. Perez and they are good and so this week we are going to try to get them to come to church because the daughter is a member and we hope she can help them get to church.   This week we will be working with the APS and another district leader because we have to see how they are doing.   I made french toast with bacon and my Comp loves it haha.  We also cooked for me too.   That was really this week.  Not too much... just a lot of traveling.   Oh on Sunday we have the Comfirmations of Nancy and Claudia too!!! oh hey ask Brock if he knows an Elder Rodriguez from Honduras... he served in his mission.  Well I will talk to you next week...Love Ya !!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Monday, March 13, 2017

March 13, 2017~"Never let a Speed Bump become a Roadblock in your Life"

1.  Are there a lot of fast food places where you are at?  
Yeah and a lot of malls

2.  How was your temple visit?
It was awesome.  We had our zone meeting there and then we got to go into a session and I understood everything and just felt the biggest sense of happiness and joy 

3.  What was the Best thing about this past week?  What was the Worst?
The best was that we had two baptisms and the worst would have to be when we found out about a missionary in our zone that is being really disobedient and he is training with a kid that doesn't know anything so it was really bad

4.  I was worried when you said you had to go to the hospital.  So were you still not feeling well from when you had the tuna incident or was this something else?  So do you have a parasite?  How are you doing now?
Yeah after I just had pain and it was strong but Ii took my pills and everything is ok... it was a bacteria 
Yeah the medication was bad but I'm good now

I'm glad I found krispy kreme haha.  Stockton didn't do that bad keeping the walk streak alive.

This week was great... so we had a meeting with the Stake President in Lomas Verdes because we have to see how all the misisonaries are doing in that area and well we heard good things. We were with Presdient for that and so it was good to talk to him about the mission and just seeing him is always good. On Thursday we had our Zone Meeting and I talked about Lot's wife and how she was turned to stone because she looked back and how sometimes we want to return... we want to look back and want to do the things that are comfortable for us but then I talked about looking ahead and all the blessiong that are in store and even though we might not see the outcome, if we have faith and hope it will turn out fine and we will reap the blessings of God.   After we went to the temple which was awesome then we ate pizza and we went to the store.  I was temped to buy the quad in spanish because my scriptures are destroyed but I didn't because I didn't have the money to do it.   After we had another meeting with a different Stake President and we talked about the missionaries there as well and our plan.   On Friday I did an interview for the AP´s so I saw Elder Edwards and talked with him because their area is close to ours and so it was fun to talk to him.   On Saturday we had the interviews for Claudia and Nancy and they passed.   Elder Edwards and him comp did the interviews and after we searched for clothes for the baptism because we didn't have any.   Sunday we had the baptism and it was awesome because they were so excited and they started crying and then after we went to the temple again with them and they said it was the most beautiful place ever.   We will teach them more about that this week.   Today we ate panda express and I bought a backpack because a dog ripped up mine so I had to buy a new one.   We just kinda chilled in the house today and well I will tell you this.. Elder Osorio is like a brother of mine.  He is awesome and we get along really well.  I want to be with him another change but we believe he will leave this change so I won't be with him but we might ask for permission to be together this last change. 

That was my week.  I love you guys and hope you guys have a good week.  Talk to you later!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Monday, March 6, 2017

March 6, 2017~ "Be Happy With Nothing and You will be Happy with Everything"

1.  Did you end up going golfing yet?
No we haven't.  They said we can't

2.  Do you still have to do your own laundry?
No we don't do our laundry

3.  What are the stores there like?  
Well they are tiendas and they have shacks that sell stuff for super cheat and then well the big stores are like the ones in the United States its just a different named store

Well this week we had concilio (council) and it was super fun with all the leaders de zona and then we went to the hospital because I wasn't feeling good... so we went and well I had my blood drawn and I had to poop in a bottle and they found a bacteria and so I am taking pills to help me and I am better now but that was awful....haha yeah honestly the tests were worse then the sickness because I don't like needles and I had to get my blood drawn.  After we worked with the District Leaders in Lomas Verdes and then we had a meeting with President about the Zone and then on Sunday we got a gift from claudia and nancy, well two gifts, one was a hanckerchief which is beautiful and then they told us that they have decided to get baptized this Sunday so we are super pumped about that.  I'm excited because they are super awesome.   So that has been the week.   This Thursday we are going to the temple with President ...the whole mission so i'm excited about that also.   I love ya and hope you have a good week!!!

pics are of Mexico City at night and Lomas Verdes, Krispy Kreme and the medicine i'm taking.

Elder Cleverly