Tuesday, November 8, 2016

November 7, 2016~"Happiness is not Having What You Want, but Wanting What You Have"

1.  What was one thing that you learned from Elder Reynoso when you were companions?
The importance of the Atonement, the Book of Mormon and being exactly obedient and working hard.

2.  I heard that the hike to Christ in  Tenancingo is quite a rigorous hike.  Was it a hard hike or not so bad? 
Well we ran up it.  It took 15 minutes but I couldn't feel my legs after and they hurt for 5 days after haha.

3.  What has been your favorite thing so far about being a Missionary?
I like baptizing, zone meetings, lessons, the food and all the food haha 

4.  Have you had trouble getting up on time in the mornings since I am not there to get you up?
No we get up haha

I emailed Reynoso and it was good to here from him.  Thats crazy about Jaiden and Jake as well.  I'm glad Stockton took my advice haha the first time ever.  I heard about the Cubs.  I wanted them to win and break the curse so I'm happy but mad because I missed it haha.  Have fun with the talk, lol.  A good talk called "Learn from Alma and Amulek" can help in that talk. 

So this week has been good.  I gave my first talk in the junta de zona and I dont know what happened but I cried after when I shared my testimony.  I think it was because when Elder Edwards shared his testimony in the English class he cried too, but everyone told me I did good and they learned alot so thats good.   We have been working alot in the areas of the other missionaries in our District because they don't have any baptisms and we want to help them with that.   We had 2 confirmations because the others were sick and I gave a talk in church and everyone said I did good with that one too, so thats good.   We haven't been doing a ton because we have been helping others out, but this week should be good.   We have another companion so we are in a trio because Elder Bennion, my white buddy in the District, is going to the office so he has to go get trained so we have his companion for two weeks haha....He is a ball of joy if you know what I mean. Not any pictures.  I will try to say more this week. Not much else so I will go.  Love ya and can't wait to talk to you next week.!!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

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