Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September 21, 2016 ~"Worrying does not empty TOMORROW of its troubles, it empties TODAY of its strength"

1. Tell me about the place you live in?  Are the floors tile? Warm water?  
Mama, everywhere is tile. No warm water but I heat the water up for showers

2. Do you have have a water container (like at our house) for filtered water? Austin and Brock had one at the places they lived at.  The mission supplied them.
We have the jug but not the thing to cool the water. They are everywhere  but the water is room temp. 

3. What are some of the meals/foods that have been prepared for you when people feed you?
We have pollo or spaghetti or tacos, tortas or soup with different stuff in it... its all good.  We put everything on tortillas haha. We eat everyday with members so its different everytime and I don't know a lot of the foods but I can tell you its good.   Usually we have rice or soup before the meal so we pretty much have two meals for lunch.   The fruit is good here.  We always have fruit and these fruit drinks... its not water ...we have the fruit juice.

4.  So do you mainly go knock doors to contact?  Are there any people you are currently working with on a regular basis?
No we contact in the streets like people are walking but we usually are teaching lessons or finding certain people.  We only contact when we don't have anything.   We got more and more so its not everyday we contact. 

5.  I saw that on Friday Sept. 16th it was "Mexican Independence Day".  Do they do anything special/interesting there for that?  
Dia de Independencia is crazy.  They dress up and fight with onions and let me tell you some people didn't make it out alive... lots of fireworks and its all in the central so no one is in the streets. 

Mom I'm not very detailed in the first place and I do write you first. Teaching English is alright.  I don't like coming up with stuff to teach haha.   The picture was on the roof haha... yeah it was sketchy. 

So my week was pretty much nothing because of dia de independencia but we got 8 people to church tho!!!!   We had training on Monday so thats why I didn't email on Monday.  We went to President's house and we got to see all my buddies and it was super cool to catch up.   Everyone lives in nasty houses except me haha.   Elder Edward's area is valle be bravo and its so sweet... he showed me pics.   We are suppose to be going there for one p day.   We just talked about the mission, nothing really, just how we are doing.   We stayed with the secretaries because Elder Reynoso was the last one so we are chill with them.   I'm good friends with them now.   Yesterday nothing really... just taught and got some new investigators.   We did have this borracho (drunk) come up to us and said he needed help.  It was weird but we will teach him today because he said if we don't come to his house he will find us. So thats been my week... nothing extrordinary but it was good.   Miss ya and can't wait to here from you on Monday!!!

Elder Cleverly 

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