Monday, September 26, 2016

September 26, 2016~"Faith Comes to the Humble, Diligent, and the Enduring"

1.  Tell us about some of the people you have taught.  Kids? Families? Adults?
So we teach both families and adults.. the kids are out of control and its very annoying haha

2.  Have you had to speak in Church since you have been there?
I shared my testimony the first week but haven't spoke since then.. 

3.  What kinds of fruits do they have there?
They have millions of fruits and I don't know their names but they are all pretty good. 

4.  Have you been able to sleep fine since you have been in your area?
Yeah I sleep pretty good.  My bed is super comfy and I love it haha

5.  What has been the most challenging thing for you since you have been out of the MTC?
The most challenging thing is just the language other then that; I am in love with everything

That letter took forever to get there wow.  Yeah, my house is nice.  It was fun to go to Pres house and dia de indepenpenica was crazy.  Thats crazy about the weather... nothing crazy here just hot and rainy.  That sucks about the car but hopefully it makes the car better. 

This week hasn't been really anything.  Thursday nothing interesting besides this girl we talked too started talking about Maria Guatalupe in the Bible and we roasted her really quick and left but other then that nothing.   Friday was one of our fetchas birthday so we went there which was way fun and got flowers for her.   Saturday President came to Ixtapan for interviews and we went to the Marriott and let me tell you that thing is huge.  Sunday wasn't fun.  We had to contact all day and it was boring but today we went into the City and went to the biggest mall ever.  It was 6 pisos (stories) high... like wow.   I got Dariy Queen while I was there and it was amazing...I had a blizzard.   That has been my week .  Hope you have a great week and know that I love you, te amo!!!! 

Elder Cleverly 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September 21, 2016 ~"Worrying does not empty TOMORROW of its troubles, it empties TODAY of its strength"

1. Tell me about the place you live in?  Are the floors tile? Warm water?  
Mama, everywhere is tile. No warm water but I heat the water up for showers

2. Do you have have a water container (like at our house) for filtered water? Austin and Brock had one at the places they lived at.  The mission supplied them.
We have the jug but not the thing to cool the water. They are everywhere  but the water is room temp. 

3. What are some of the meals/foods that have been prepared for you when people feed you?
We have pollo or spaghetti or tacos, tortas or soup with different stuff in it... its all good.  We put everything on tortillas haha. We eat everyday with members so its different everytime and I don't know a lot of the foods but I can tell you its good.   Usually we have rice or soup before the meal so we pretty much have two meals for lunch.   The fruit is good here.  We always have fruit and these fruit drinks... its not water ...we have the fruit juice.

4.  So do you mainly go knock doors to contact?  Are there any people you are currently working with on a regular basis?
No we contact in the streets like people are walking but we usually are teaching lessons or finding certain people.  We only contact when we don't have anything.   We got more and more so its not everyday we contact. 

5.  I saw that on Friday Sept. 16th it was "Mexican Independence Day".  Do they do anything special/interesting there for that?  
Dia de Independencia is crazy.  They dress up and fight with onions and let me tell you some people didn't make it out alive... lots of fireworks and its all in the central so no one is in the streets. 

Mom I'm not very detailed in the first place and I do write you first. Teaching English is alright.  I don't like coming up with stuff to teach haha.   The picture was on the roof haha... yeah it was sketchy. 

So my week was pretty much nothing because of dia de independencia but we got 8 people to church tho!!!!   We had training on Monday so thats why I didn't email on Monday.  We went to President's house and we got to see all my buddies and it was super cool to catch up.   Everyone lives in nasty houses except me haha.   Elder Edward's area is valle be bravo and its so sweet... he showed me pics.   We are suppose to be going there for one p day.   We just talked about the mission, nothing really, just how we are doing.   We stayed with the secretaries because Elder Reynoso was the last one so we are chill with them.   I'm good friends with them now.   Yesterday nothing really... just taught and got some new investigators.   We did have this borracho (drunk) come up to us and said he needed help.  It was weird but we will teach him today because he said if we don't come to his house he will find us. So thats been my week... nothing extrordinary but it was good.   Miss ya and can't wait to here from you on Monday!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12, 2016~“Success in His service always produces Miracles beyond our own Powers."~Pres. Eyring

1.  What kind of stores are there in your area?
Well there are tiendas everywhere but the big stores are adidas, Garcias and like a small sams club looking store. 

2.  Do you have a regular church building or do you meet in a different building?
We have a casa de oracion so its not a church... its like an apartment but its nice

3.  So it rains everyday??
Yes everyday... usually at night or early in the morning

4.  How many people do you think are in your Branch?
So there are 60 members but only 35 people were at church and thats including the missionaries.  The little kids are the Presidency.... its small

5.  Do you get fed meals or are you on your own for most of them?
We get fed lunch and eat cereal for breakfast and quesadillas for dinner.

6.  Do you have to do your own laundry or do you pay someone to do it?
We pay someone. 

This is the address for packages: avenida fuente de las pirámides no.1 lomas de tecamachalco c.p. 53950 naucalpan, edo. de méxico, méxico
I heard about Stock and Kae... at least they are doing good.  I know Jake's pain haha, but he plays which is always fun.  Its cool seeing friends serving missions...its a good thing I'm not missing anything.  So Ixtapan is where we live... well actually we live in San Pedro. but thats the hermanas area so we have to go out to our area.  We have the Colonials outside, they are pregeso, 10 de Agosto, 5 de Febrero, 3 de Mayo, Teco, and Tonatico.   Tonatico is the biggest of them but no people there.   We spend most of our time in 10 de Agosto but there is like no one and we don't have any other Colonial better than that.   We teach a lot of lessons but that is it.  The people disappear or they don't want anything from us.   Yes there is a water park....thats our area.  The District goes to Tenancingo so our District is big.  We work hard and get 70 contacts a week, and we did 25 yesterday and it was exhausting haha.  I taught English on Saturday and Tuesday we had a meeting and I got to talk to Eld. Edwards and it was fun talking to him.   We got a pouch with all our supplies and I was dying after that... it was not fun.  The language is a killer but I'm trying.  Its just hard to understand.   The Atonement and missionary work is a talk ...its on youtube.... we listen to it everyday and to EFY music because President changed the rules.   This week we are going to try to get people to church because we didn't get anyone this last week.   We found an alacran (Scorpion) in our house... it was crazy... and we have a puppy.  On Saturday we had a mexican night!!! Alright got to go...Love Ya Bye!!​

Monday, September 5, 2016

September 5, 2016~ "If You Want to Give a Light to Others...You have to Glow Yourself"

1.  How long has Elder Reynoso been out on the Mish?
~This is his last tranfer

2.  So when you say your area is new, does it mean a new area no one has taught in or new area meaning it was closed for awhile and now open again?
~Its reopened

3.  Are you and Elder Reynoso the only missionaries in Ixtapan or are there others?
~There are hermanas and the Senior Missionaries

4.  Is it a Ward or Branch in your area?

5.  How long did it take you to get to your area from the MTC?  Did you go in a Van?
~We went to Presidents house which was an hour and then 2 and a half from there.   To President's house we took a van but then you ride in taxis and le buses.

Yeah my group was the biggest group.  Elder Reynoso is sweet and I write in my journal every day but they are short so I won't need a new one.

So this week has been a lot of talking with people.   We contact a lot  because there are not a lot of investigators but thats fine.... contacting is fun.  I can talk to them and they understand me, I just can't understand them haha.   I invited three families to get baptized and they said yes which was sweet. This place is sweet but we have to walk and take taxis everywhere.   I don't have a lot of pictures because it rains everyday so I will get some later.   Sunday was good till after church... its aweful because you have to contact and there is no one, but this week was good.  This next week we need to get people to church which is hard because no one wants to or they work on Sundays. Lessons are fun its just hard to understand what they are saying haha.   Well thats my to go.  Talk to you next week.  Tell everyone I love them!!! 

~Love Elder Cleverly

P.S.  Hey, so sending pictures is like a no go where I am because its so slow. I will try to find another place... in the meantime you might not get pictures.  We are going to a different one next time because the other one was closed today 

Elder Cleverly with Trainer Elder Reynoso

Elder Cleverly with President and Sister Grossen

Scripture Cases that he had made

Elder Cleverly and Elder Reynoso

The Big Group of New Missionaries ready to serve in the Mexico City West Mission