Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May 28, 2018~"The World Constantly tries to Throw Us Off Balance, But by Staying Centered in Christ We Can Trust the Lord to Direct Our Path"

Thats cool that Clearfield did good.  I wish I got to go that far when I played.  Glad you had a good birthday. 

Things are going good here.  We are just working as usual and well the chapel isn't opened yet but we are hoping here soon that it will be ready. Also my companion and I are getting a long super well. 
We enjoy being companions and we talk all the time about things. He is so awesome and I enjoy working with him. He will make my mission ending great. 

Something that I have been doing is just enjoying every moment and just loving life and that has really helped and well I have a quote that I sent to my comp and it was pretty good and its probably someone elses words but I was suprised that thought of it but it is "Not everyone can have a Cinderella story but everyone can have a happily ever after."   Just remember that I love you!  I don't have a lot to say sorry and I can't send pics!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

May 21, 2018~"It's Not Who You Are That Holds You Back, It's Who You Think You're Not"

Well thats a lot of info haha.  Thats too bad about the baseball games but you know how it is but what can we do... we just got to play the game that we love and not worry about anything else. 
Hope things will be good for him. The good thing is that I will be home so I will be able to talk with him.  Glad Kae had a good birthday.  Tell her I say happy birthday and that I love her.
That will be fun for Stockton to do the baseball camp.  I wish I would have done more of those. 

This week was super good.  We worked even though it was changes and usually everyone says their goodbyes but we worked and found 13 new people.  We had 6 people in church and we have 4 people that are going to get baptized. 

The first... his name is Gabino who is 20 years old and he was so anti-mormon but then we talked with him and showed him all the blessings and the truth and he wants to get married with his girlfriend who is a member that fell away from the church and he wants to get sealed in the temple with his girlfriend and son that they have so we are going to get them married soon and then he will get baptized. The second is a girl that lives alone.  She is 23 with a baby and she loves to listen to us and on Sunday after the services she told us she wants to be baptized and asked what she needs to do to be baptized so we are going to prepare her. She was a contact in the street and now she will be baptized.   The last two are 2 kids... the mom is a member and the older brother but they went inactive about 2 years ago and now the kids are old enough to get baptized so we are going to baptize them as well and we are working with a couple more. It was such a good week and well my comp left and now I  have a new companion I am with...Elder Simmons.  He is from Idaho and has 18 months in the mission which is cool. He is awesome and I am looking forward to enjoying my last change with him

So that was my week.  I don't have fotos because the computer won't let me send them but don't worry about it cause you will see the fotos soon!!

Elder Cleverly 

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

May 7, 2018~"God Will Always Make a Way Where There is no Way"~Gordon B. Hinckley

Washing clothes isn't that bad.  I don't know why everyone makes a big deal about it.  I'm not sure what will happen with the whole job and car situation that is why I wanted to wait till January but I don't want to lose the scholarship so I will jump in and see what happens.
We are working with a lot of people and they are possibles to get baptized but we will see what happens.  I am always working so don't worry about that.  Grant is a great guy.  I always loved having him as a coach.  He was always helpful and really took care of me and I'm not sure why because he wasn't like that with everyone. 
We will see how this week goes with rivalries and all.  It always seems to go differently then planned so they just need to play them like another team and look to win and not focus on how many games they have won and stuff like that because its a game and they should play it because they love it and nothing more.
Trey is going to Argentina... thats so cool!!!  
I will be rooting you on from Tejupilco!!!

This week was a pretty fun one.  A lot of traveling for me haha so what happened we had interchanges and I went to Metepec and got to work with Elder Juarez who is from Chihuahua... great guy and it was fun and not so hot haha. We traveled from Valle where we had our District Meeting and got to Metepec at 2:30 and we went to the house and went to eat Little Caesars Pizza which I haven't ate in a long time haha... it was good. Then we went to work and I had a blast.  I always do for some reason.  I enjoy so much interchanges and I wish I could do it for the rest of my mission... maybe its because I just go and work with someone different in a different area and it is something new so maybe that is why I like it so much but who knows. We returned back to Tejupilco at 1 oclock and had to go to the food because it was super far away but it was fun to travel.  I was exhausted afterwards but it was still fun. Also this week we found 6 new people to teach and we have over 25 people progressing and this week we will put some baptismal dates with some of them and see what happens. Its sad that the change is almost over and we still don't have the church yet and that soon I will be in my last change but its fun to know that I still have time to work and find people to baptize. It was a little bit cooler this week which was good because I was dying of calor  (heat) but god loves us and sent us rain!!!!   We got a little wet but thats ok. So that was my week and i'm excited to see what happens this week!!!
So I can't send pics because where I am  at doesn't work.

Elder Cleverly 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

April 30, 2018~"If You Make A Decision Based on Fear, You will Never by Happy"

1. So do you have to do your own laundry?  
Yeah we have to wash our clothes but its relaxing.  Me and my Comp have some good talks at night while we are washing clothes and it is the most beautiful view from our room at night!

2.  How did the conference go with President?  
It went well.  We talked a lot about ministering and how we can apply it to missionary work which basically is missionary work, but it was good and I had interviews with him because we are so far away so he took advantage of the time.  I got to talk with him and we had a good talk and I think I will be finishing my mission here.

3. What time do you have church?
We have church at 10 and get done at 1. 

Valle is beautiful and we love going there... its just a two hour drive that is the worst part.  The heat stroke wasn't fun but I'm doing better and drinking more and watching my health. Lets just say I got hit by a wall or in superman words I got hit by kryptonite.... But suero is the true hero.  The chapel is going to be awesome and its like a third companion because everyone knows about it here.

That sounds great for the schedule and with Kai in my class it will be nice so then we are lost together haha

So talking about a successful week... it was great!!!   First the conference was great and I learned a lot and I am so excited to put it in practice. Something that we talked a lot about was the small and simple things and how they become big things when they pile up and it is so true. I have seen a lot of the small things become big things in my life and I think that sometimes we want to see these miracles of moving mountains or walking on water but we don't realize the little things going on in life and I have seen it a ton in my mission and reflecting back on my life. I have been truly blessed in my life and I am so happy about that. After that we didn't get to work until Tuesday because we were traveling all day  but we got to work on Wednesday and ended up with 11 new people so we are still rolling but the best part about our week was first the scare that the church won't be opened till June because they have some complications and then the fact that Fernando wasn't going to get baptized, but we decided to take a chance and talk with Fernando about the whole situation.  After all that he wanted to get baptized this week so we talked with him and then I asked him if he would get baptized this Sunday and he said yes!!!   It was awesome and we were running around because that was Friday to try and get ready for Sunday but everything turned out awesome and it felt so good to get in the font again and help someone come unto Christ.... also because the water was super cold and it felt amazing ahhah. But seriously I felt like I was on cloud nine after and it was just a great feeling. We are now trying to find more people to do the same thing and its going good. I found a solution to my sleeping issue... its called a hammock haha.  I sleep in a hammock now and its wonderful!!!   It helps a lot!!!!!   Now I can say I have done it all! . 
So that was my week.  It was a great one but still got more work to do here in Tejupilco!!! Love you Mom!!!

Elder Cleverly