Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30, 2017~"The Purpose of Faith is not to Change God's Will, but to Empower us to Act on God's Will"~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

1.  Do you have a companion? and if so who is it and what does he do?  
My companion is Elder Christensen.... my comp from the CCM hahaha and he is in charge of finances.

2.  Where do you live?  Is a nice place?
We live in Lomas de Tecamachalco and its super nice. Its the nicest house because we have to take the people to the airport and sometimes they sleep at our house so we have three rooms. It costs 26000 pesos ($1350) 

3.  So you will get to do a little proselyting but only after you do the work you need to do with being Secretary?
Yeah exactly...First I have to do my secretary work which is a lot and we are always traveling so there are sometimes we won't even be in the city because we will be traveling with President to meetings and everything. 
AP's  are the assistants and they are in charge of like the missionary work but I'm his right hand man and I have to buy plane tickets and visas and a whole bunch of stuff.  I'm the grease monkey that make sure everything runs smoothly and to set up all the appointments and all the meetings and everything.  I have a lot to do.  Yeah I am with President a lot which is fun because I get to know him and we work together.  They called me and told me I had to leave the next day.

The baptism was awesome and I'm glad I got to do that and baptize the family.  No I have been taking my time with the candy...I have two bags still haha but I'm enjoying every bite!

"When did the Gospel Become Real to Me?" I would say when I was in Anahuac...Like you said, I have always known that it was true and I have had a ton of experiences but when I was in Anahuac I knew for sure it was exactly true... like it was super true and clear.
Thats an end to the football season and well that's alright... you guys can focus on baseball and relax now for a couple months hahaha

This week we got to go on two road trips.  We went out three hours away to get a signature of a girl.  Also we got to go to my old zone Camarones to give a couple of credit cards to a couple of people and it was so fun to be there and see that and well I was thinking this week how much I am going to miss Mexico when I am finished.  Being able to see some of my old areas and being able to remember the memories I had there was awesome but it was sad because I'm not there and honestly I have loved this time and I don't want it to end because it has just been a great experience to be here and to feel the feelings I have felt and there is no other life like it.  I don't know what will happen after but I'm not looking forward to leaving here.   Other then that we had 6 hours of church.  We are in an English Ward... super weird.   We stayed up till twelve every night finishing things and having fun and this week will be a little bit more exciting due to the fact that we will have meetings with President and we are going to have consejo with the zone leaders so I'm pumped!  Sorry for the short letter ...I love you Mom!!!​

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October 24, 2017~"When We Choose to Have Faith, We are Prepared to Stand in the Presence of God"~Robert D. Hales

I got the package it was super good...Thank you Mom!!! The Baptism was awesome...I was excited for it`. 

So my week was interesting.   After writing last week I received a call from President saying that I was going to be the new secretary so I had to pack my bags to go to the offices...yeah so I moved..I'm Secretary to President now. I went by Uber alone to get to the offices and the old secretary trained me so we were in the offices learning how to do everything.  It was funny because I'm President's right hand man.  I do everything to help him and he called us at 11:30 to come help him cut his luggage bag because it was locked hahaha.   Its fun because I am traveling with him and I'm helping him a lot and with the other missionaries as well.  I'm in charge of all the cell phones and have to travel to give new phones, to help people get green cards and to make sure they stay in the mission and a lot more stuff, planning juntas (appointments) and talks and to find out if people are being disobedient.  I'm like a spy.  We went to migration to help the missionaries get their green cards and to help them stay in the country and so that was my week. We had a service project to help clean up some damage which was super fun!!!!!!  On Sunday I got to go back to my area (Toluca) for the baptism with my child and we baptized the Family McGowen.  It was super fun.  I have been traveling all over the place trying to help people get where they need to go and to help them get supplies so I am traveling a lot and well I stayed up all night getting ready for the new missionaries to come and get that all figured out and we didn't sleep at all.  We had to pick them up at the CCM and a couple at the airport and then we dropped the people that were going home to the airport as well... so I have more stuff to do and its fun but I won't be working the work as much....I will be helping other people not stop working.  I will work a little bit but first I have my responsibilities and that is how I saw Aunt Nola and Uncle Dar because they are in my Ward haha.   So that is what happened with me ....what do you  think Mom???   Well I love you and hope you have a good one Mom!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Service clean up from Earthquake

Service clean up from Earthquake

McGowan Family Baptism

Crazy!  Elder Cleverly is now in the same Ward as his Great Uncle Dar and Aunt Nola
who are serving a mission

Monday, October 16, 2017

October 16, 2017~"Sometimes we can Learn and Study and Know and Sometimes we have to Believe, Trust and Hope

Talks.... sometimes I don't prepare a talk. I just have a tema (theme) and go off what of inspiration.  We have seen a lot of blessings and well with the people that don't want to be members right now its alright... they will reconsider because this is the true Church of God.

My faith has really grown and I'm glad.  I have a firm testimony and nothing can take me down not even the rain and the floods.  I'm founded on this rock.

Thats good that Stock went to baseball and that he did well.  Sometimes just getting time off gets you back into a grove and the natural ability comes back so that's the good part.
Thanks for the email Mom even though it was short hahaha

This week was good because we finally got people to church and we are going to have baptisms!!!!! So first things first...Sammy locked her keys in her house so I had to go Spiderman and climb up three stories on the wall and jump in through a window... don't worry nothing happened even though it was scary haha.  I got through and unlocked the door... mission accomplished haha.   After that we passed by a lot with the Mcgowen family and they accepted a baptismal date and they will get baptized this week!!!! They are really excited for that and so are we... more me because its been a while since I have worn white.  After that we had divisions with the Zone Leaders again and I did a baptism interview and she passed and that night me and Elder Pearson stayed up till 3 talking about a lot of things.  He and I are good friends now.   After that on Sunday we went to pick up the family and they were ready and it was awesome to get them to church and I felt so good!!!! They liked it and so we are good with the fact that they will continue coming.   After that I did another baptism interview and we were showing the guy where the baptism font was and I didn't know he couldn't see and he walked right on in it and fell and got soaking wet. Even though I'm a missionary I couldn't help but laugh at that haha.   That has been my week.  We are doing an activity called the Ironman like the race and we are doing challenges to have a good December and so we have been doing that.  We had to contact a certain amount of people, have to set a certain amount of citas everyday and we have to do 15-30 minutes of services each day...we did it for this week... it was cool!!!! It is the last week before transfer and we had interviews with President. It was good talking with him and he says he doesn't know what to do with me for the next change and so I think we might be having changes.  He trusts me and loves the attitude I have but he just doesn't know where to put me.  I think he is thinking about doing something with me and I don't know what that means but its good at least hahaha.   Well that was my week... oh and Elder Pearson cut my hair... thats what the pics are of and of my comp and our matching jerseys.  There is also a foto of the volcano and the city at night with the lights of the stadium and a foto of our house ...its small but it works!  I love you Mom and thanks for everything you have done and taught me.  I really appreciate it!  I love you a lot!!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Elder Cleverly's Place

Soccer Stadium all in lights


Volcano closer up

Getting a Haircut.  You aren't a real missionary till another missionary cuts your hair haha

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

October 9, 2017~"Faith is Taking the First Step Even When You Can't See the Whole Staircase"

1.  How is your Comp doing?  Is he adjusting to missionary life?
~He is doing good and yeah he is adjusting to the missionary life little by little. I have to be more strict with him because he is new so right now we are all business but there is sometimes we joke around.  I just want him to learn and be a good missionary right now so I'm really working with him on that 

2.  Have you been able to get people to Church?
No we still haven't.  We have found people but when we go to their house they aren't there but we are hoping that this week goes better!!

Yes conference was good and the Book of Mormon is awesome!!!!

This week was a good one.  We went to the DF on Monday and got back in the afternoon because we had a meeting at President's house and so we had to go.   After that on Tuesday we had a good junta (meeting) and I taught a lot about the Plan of Salvation and how we can teach it better.   On Wednesday we had our p-day and on Thursday we worked normal.  Friday we had divisions with the zone leaders and it was super fun.  We found a lot of people.   First we passed by with Javier and his wife and they are enjoying the lessons but they need to come to church.   second we passed by with Pedro and he wants to get baptized and so he has to come to church to get baptized.   After that we got a reference from the temple and it turns out it was our neighbor in our apartment building and so we taught her and she has a friend in the mission and wants to learn more about the church and everything we do and she is planning to be baptized on the 29th.  After that we found a girl that had a dream and she needs to repent and so we are hoping she is good and listens to us.  We will be passing by this week with her.   We have a couple of more people but the people that are mostly interested are those ones and there families.   We had a guy tell us that he would rather like the earth to end then to live here... super fun and well we had a good time with them.  I worked with Elder Cetina.  He is from my generation and we had a blast and in the night me and Elder Pearson talked a lot and we got to know each other more.  He is awesome.   On Saturday we didn't eat anything because we were booked with citas (appointments) and so we were working all day and didn't stop to eat oops hahaha.   Sunday we talked about the organization of the church and service and then we had a meeting today for the District this morning we went and did that"!!!!!   That was my week.  It was a high accept for the fact that we passed by with some members from the Ward and they told us that they didn't want to be members anymore and they go to a different church:(   There are a lot of members like that and its sad to see....
I hope you guys have a good week and I love you Mom a lot!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

October 2, 2017~ "If We Sin, We are less Worthy, but We are Never Worth less"~ Joy D. Jones

1.  What is the question you are asked the most on your mission?
Well we are asked a lot of questions as missionaries. Sometimes its what do we do or what do we sell and for being from the United States its something about Trump or if I eat chili hahaha

2.  What do you like most about this area from the other areas that you have served in?
I like the area.  Its got a mix of city and pueblo and there are a lot of places to see and the view is awesome.  So I think that it is the nicest part of my area

3.  What was your favorite Conference Talk?
Honestly I couldn't tell you because it was all good but here are my comments I wrote during it about each speaker

Saturday Morning
Dieter F. Uchtdorf~Bobby the wonder dog that walked to his house in Oregon from Indiana:  Do we have the instinct to return back to him. (principle 1) we are not alone and he calls to us always to come back to him. You will know when he has talked to you and you will know when you turn to the lord.  Your life will be better if you will go to him.   He will direct your steps. He will guide you and sometimes he will carry you.  Begin your journey back home and help other begin as well.  Abilities will come through choices. D&C. 35:14. though we are imperfect God will use us if we are turned to him. You can't put your life in autopilot you need to have the desire to go and follow God.

Bonnie l. Oscarson:  Service. the Importance of service. Way to change the world is help your family.   We are needed to be givers. Who needs me today????

Dallin H. Oaks. If you are of the world the world will love you, but if you are not of the world the world will hate you. Salvation is on individual matter but exaltation is a family matter.   This life is the time to prepare to meet God again.   The family proclamation to the world.   The family is central to the Father's plan.

John. C. Pingree Jr.:  We all have a plan. Ordinary people are used to do extraordinary things. Focus on others. Discover and develop spiritual gifts. Each person has gifts.   What is my mortal ministry????   Rely on Christ.   The hand does the writing and the thinking the pencil doesn't do anything.

D. Todd Christofferson:  We must bring the Savior into our lives to be one.   Each piece of bread is different, unique just like us because we all have different sins.   Jesus Christ is the hope.   Holiness to the Lord

Jeffrey R Holland:  We should not beat upon ourselves. I'm trying to be like Jesus. Perfection is on the pension.  At least God is perfect.   The Gospel is for perfection of the saints... you come unto Christ and be perfected in him. Moroni 10:32. we are debtors and we were going to be thrown into prision but we have a King that loves us and let us free. Llittle more Godlike in the small things.  Steady improvement. I'm trying to live the life of truth.   Give help to anyone who is trying to walk back to God.

Saturday Afternoon
Gary E. Stevenson: Sun vs. Moon. Heaven vs. the World. Spiritual Glasses. If our perspective and sight is focused on God and protecting us we can see the sun. Pride vs. Humility.   Look through the lense of the Gospel 

Stephen W. Owen:  There isn't a team or person that goes undefeated in the game of life but we can still win through the Atonement and Repentence.   The Prodigal Son.   He was dead and now lives. Repentence is for everyone. Need to maintain and grow out testimony. 2 Nefi 31:20

Quentin L. Cook:. 2 Nefi 26:33.   We are equal.   This day and this time is the time to prepare to meet God. Serving humbly.   Section 112 (verse 10) be true disciples of Christ. Mosiah 17:9

Ronald A.  Rasband:  Coincidence or divine design?????  Everything is guided by God's plan.   This is a guiding hand above all things.   The Lord knows what we are capable of doing.

O. Vincent Haleck:  A man can live in darkness but they belong to the light.   Widows myte.   Gve all to the building up the Kingdom

Russell M. Nelson:  How precious is the Book of Mormon to you???? 29 of sept. 2017.   What would your life be like without the book...? What would you know????  What would you not have????

Dale G. Renlund:  Priesthood is used by inviting others to come unto Christ.   Covenents is a pledge. We pledge to avoid sin and to magnify our callings through the priesthood.  We receive hope, forgiveness, administering of angels.... and the keys if we keep our convenents.   With disobedience we can lose those blessings D&C 82:10. Is Heavenliy Father proud of me????

David F Evans:  We need to search our questions for ourselves. In the mean time we should do what it is right. To receive a question we need to live the gospel, to act and to sacrifice to learn the truth.   We should go to the best resources.   Keeping commadments brings joy in our lives. 

Richard J. Maynes:  Integrity is to be true ln all aspects of life.  To gain trust we much trust or put our trust in God and gain a testimony and a trust of the Lord.   First trust, second blessings.   Peace in the home comes from the trust. with integrity we will keep our covenents and gain the trust of others. Don't give up 

Dieter F. Uchtdorf:  Everyone faces spiritual challenges when God feels distint.   It comes from sin from sin or emotional wounds.   Just because trials are real doesn't mean its incurable. Everything is curable through Christ. if we have faith he will take our hands. He will help us and lead us on our way through his light.   When we are in darkness we will make poor choices and lose hope.   When we are in the light we can make the correct decisions.  We have a perfect brightness of hope. he that follows Christ will grow in the light and will eliminate all darkness.   The word of God is truth and truth is light and light is Spirit.   This light lightens our soul.   The light helps us to be born again.   If thy eye is filled with light your whole soul is filled.   Darkness can't exist in light.   The Lord has called us to bring light into the darkness. 

Henry B. Eyring:  Jesus is the head of the Church and he speaks through his prophets by revelation and he will give revelation to those that follow the servants of God.   It takes faith to believe and to listen to receive revelation but faith is essential.   Nobody is perfect but we are called to be servants of the Lord.

Sunday Morning
Jean B. Bingham:  If we learn more about the plan of God.  We will trust and progress. You will find joy in Christ.  If you learn of him and follow him.

Donald l.  Hallstorm:  Milagros (miracles) comes after faith.   Do I have faith not to be healed????? Being a child of God is a miracle.   Do you have faith in temporal things or in the plan of God????

David A. Bednar:  Sometimes we are running but sometimes we forget why we are running and where we are going. The proclamation. Sabbath is God's time.  The Sabbath is a time to elevate our vision to the blessings of God and not of the world. 

W. Cristopher Waddell:  We can hope and have peace through the Atonement of Christ.   We have control on how we will respond to our trials. Look to the Savior and live

W. Craig Zwick:  Look beyond what we see. Fear not. For those that are with us are more than they are with them (elijiah) We all see, hear, talk different.  What is it i most prize????

Henry B. Erying:  Doubt not Fear not. To have faith and follow the Prophet opens our hearts and it stays open as longs as we are willing to listen and to have faith.

Sunday Afternoon
M. Russell Ballard:  Keep the doctirne of Christ pure

Tad R. Callister:  Book of Mormon is the keystone of our Religion and it can be to our soul. The Book of Mormon came through revelation not from brilliance. Joseph Smith couldn't write a letter little lone a book. I would have to deny my testimony of the Book and the Spirit to say its not true.

Joni l. Knoch:  We have no right to judge and reject others.

Stanley G. Ellis:  The Lord trusts us. but not wise in thyne own eyes. Hard is strong. Choose the harder right than the easy wrong.   Do I have the faith to trust God????   Fear is a tool of Satan... fear not. 

Adilson de Paula Parella: Through the restoration we can learn that God calls prophets.  They are his mouthpieces here on earth. God hears and answers our prayers. God gives us blessing and trials to grow.

Ian S. Ardern:  The fisherman. Hold fast and stand strong til more knowledge comes.

Jose l. Alonso:  The love of God is shown through the infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ. John 3:16. 

Neil L. Anderson:  Thoughts and feels are customized to you. God wants us to come home to him. "When we choose to have faith we prepare to stand with God. Our faith prepares us to be in the presence of God." Elder Hales

Yeah Elder Holland's talk was way good!  So I already wrote my thoughts on the talks from Conference this week and I'll tell you some more things that happened.  So the stadium is in our area and so we went one night because there was a game and it was crazy and it reminded me of tailgating and stuff like that.  There was so much food, things to buy and of course beer but there were a ton of police officers so we were good. On Friday I finished the book of Mormon on the 29th!!!! and I know its true....I thought what I heard in conference about the Book of Mormon was awesome!!!! We have been working with a couple of families. One the dad lived in the United States for a while and he says he is proud to call himself an American even though he wasn't born there. They haven't came to church yet but they are great.  All they are missing is the church things.  A guy contacted us and told us he wants to be a member and another family that lives on a top of a hill.   All they are missing is going to church so we will work with them this week to get them to come to church!!!!!!

Today we had a meeting with President in his house for the new missionaries and so thats what the pics are from.  I'm speedy Gonzalez hahaha but thats been my week.  I love you Mom!!!!

Elder Cleverly