Monday, July 24, 2017

July 24, 2017~""Without Hard Work, Nothing Grows but Weeds"~Gordon B. Hinckley

Yeah its tiring but good and well the Zone now has 21 baptisms and we are leading the mission with Baptisms!!!!
Haha I'm glad that the wedding was a sounds like a Mexican Wedding just without the drugs and alcohol.
I'm glad that everything went well and that you guys had fun
Yes we were with Ivanna yesterday... they are so cool

This week was super fun because we had a ton of success and we will be baptizing this week!!!   So  I completed a year and so I was fun and we had a lot of success finding people to teach.  We traveled around doing all the inspections and also helping other areas out finding success.   We also had 7 investigators in Church this week and we are going to be having a bautizona (baptism) so I hope that everything works out so that we can have a successful baptismal service!!!! We are going to be having fun this week.  We having been enjoying every week with our Zone and we have been getting along so having it be the last week of the change we want to have a good week before everyone leaves!!!!!!
Thats all that really happened this week... just working hard and being tired.  We did have interviews with President and that guy is so spiritual... its awesome and its just fun talking to him and helping him take a load off his back!!!!

I don't have much so thats about it....I love you Mom!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

1 Year Celebration!

more 1 Year Celebrations

This sweet girl Ivanna and her husband Andrew go to the same church building and
had Elder Cleverly with Elder Bonner over for dinner yesterday.  Ivanna is from Paraguay and her
husband is from West Jordan Utah.  They are working in Mexico City.  Andrew served a mission
in Columbia and went and did an internship in Mexico where he met Ivanna.  They got married in January
in Utah and then she went back to Mexico to work while Andrew finished his studies and his track
career at BYU.  This past June he graduated and moved to Mexico to be with Ivanna.  The pictures below are of them
spending Sunday with them. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

July 17, 2017~ "Happy 1 YEAR this WEEK"

Thats alright.. I can wait for the package and the tie haha
Well the house does have two bathrooms and its so nice honestly!!!
Thats good to hear about Jackson and awesome you got to talk to B Patt... I miss that guy.
Thats awesome to hear about Stock!!!

So this week we have been finding more people and having some success.   So we have a guy named Martin... he should get baptized on the 30th so we will see.  He is super good and we are hoping everything works out.   We have been traveling a lot... mainly in camion (truck) and combi (bus) can ask Fernanda what that is.... so I have been really tired haha and we are going to be baptizing a lot in the zone and as zone leader that makes me feel so good.  We are going to be zona de poder!!!! (Power Zone).  
 Thanks for everything Mom and enjoy the fiesta and I hope I'm there in cardboard haha you Mom!!!

Monday, July 10, 2017

July 10, 2017~""Show Respect to ALL and Hatred to NONE"~Dale G. Renlund

1.  So did all those baptisms happen in your Zone?
We had 12 baptisms this week... it was good!!!

That's an awesome experience.  What I have learned here is that we can try to force people to get baptized but what it is going to do is they are going to go inactive and not want anything to do with it.  It should be on their own will and that's the truth.  It's their salvation.  I can teach them everything and invite them but if they don't want it, its not in my hands anymore because I did what I was suppose to do.
Sounds like a fun 4th.  We didn't do anything here and it is like Oregon just rains here everyday haha. I got the shaver and the shoes and the gel.  I found something but its not the same... but this week was awesome.

This week was so much better even though we were traveling around doing interviews but thats why it was super good because we baptized 12 in the week!!!!! and we got to be a part of that in the interviews as well.  We baptized one with the hermanas de cuajimalpa!!!!! We baptized a kid that is 12 years old and he is super awesome.  His name is Alonso.  He followed me on facebook he said haha.   It was a super good week and well we found some good people to teach.... honestly miracles and we also had 4 new people in church this week!!! so a great week.  On Saturday we had our first English class here and it was huge!  There were so many people and I will try getting pics for you... to show you that it was good!!!!   I also will send pics of our house and well we got soaked a lot this week because it rains every single day and its not too fun but its not hot so we have a good time.   We are trying to find new people now to teach so we are contacting and well I will be renewing my Visa this week because I will have a year soon.... that is so crazy!!!!!   That was my week and I hope you guys have a good week too.  I Love you Mom!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Monday, July 3, 2017

July 3, 2017~""Every Day May not be Good but there is Something Good in Every Day"

1.  What is Elder Bonner like?  What does he like to do? (like what was he involved in in High School?)
He is good.  He really likes to work and its fun being with him. He likes to bike, wakeboard, outdoors stuff and in high school he wrestled.

2.  What did you learn from your last companion?  Did he finish up his mission?
I learned a lot about how to teach better and taking lots of fotos haha and how we need to enjoy the mission because we only have two years to do it and then never again. He finishes his mission this change so in August. 

3.  Are you and Elder Bonner the only missionaries in this area or are there others?
Well in our area yes.  We are the only ones in the Ward but in the Stake there are other missionaries.  We are the zone leaders and so there are others. 

4.  Do you have someone to wash your clothes in this area or do you do it yourself?
Yeah a sister in the Ward washes our clothes. 

The area here is super big and beautiful.  I will try taking pictures when I can.  Thats good that Stock did good and they were asking about him.  Thats sad...I'm going to miss Trey so much.  I love that guy and KT but he will probably study there in Utah but still I don't want them to go!!!  Dang I miss fireworks... Here they aren't like they are there.. they just blow up here and no colors so I don't really like them but thats alright.

This week was a wild one haha because of the rain and all. I thought that the consejo de liderazgo (leadership council) was super good.  I learned a lot and I enjoyed everything that we talked about... the optimism and how we should always have the attitude of working hard and just going.  It gave me a lot of energy to work this week and well it was a good week because of that.   On Wednesday after the conference we got back super late due to the rain here and not being able to get a taxi or use metro... it was a down pour and we got pretty wet..  The metro was closed down and all the roads were closed. On Thursday and Friday we worked and we found a couple of people through contacts.   Saturday we went to El Mirador and did interviews but we didn't feel good at all about how they came out and so we told them that they had to wait a week.   I felt good about our decision and how we felt about it because both of us felt that it wasn't right.   On Sunday we had two baptisms and it turned out great.  This week we should have at the end of the day on Sunday19 baptisms in the Zone so I am super pumped for that.  We are going to try to be at some of the baptisms to cheer on our missionaries here but we might not be able to go to all of them haha.   We had our zone activity and we watched a video about a football team and how they we need to have a good attitude and we should always push ourselves to our limits.  The movie was about a kid named Brock and he bear crawls with someone on his back the entire length of the field and he was only suppose to go to the 50 yard line but they blind folded him and let him go and the coach was pushing him all the way to the end.  It was really good and it was a good interpretation that we need to go all the way till we can't anymore.  That is what he did and he didn't think he could even do 50 yards but he went all the way and sometimes we need to block out our obstacles and fears and just listen to the Lord and he will take us all the way to the end... so that is my message today. 

Love you guys!!!!!