~It was strange because we were lost but good because we are both lost together haha
2. Does this area have a lot of things in it?
~yeah... its a big difference from like a city to pueblos... its super weird
3. How far away is this area from your other area?
~I'm not sure... we are more up on the hills than my other area
4. Where were the Baptism pics? You said that you had those baptisms but we didn't get any pictures of it.
~I sent them but I'll try again
Well sorry to disappoint on the email this week but its not a lot when we are opening an area because we just contact and get to know the members more. I like this Ward. All of them are super good and they are really nice. My area is super beautiful and I enjoy being here and our house is so beautiful... honestly I love it haha. We are tired most days because we walk around a lot but its alright because we are looking for people. we have three fechas for this week so we will see if we can baptize and well other than that we are trying to find more and more. Its hard to start from scratch but its also good because we can talk with everyone and find people that we wouldn't find if we were cleaning the area. Its weird that I will be completing a year this change. The time has gone by so fast and its crazy how much fun I have had. We have become good friends with the converts of Elder Bradley and Elder Christensen named fam. Barrera. They are super cool and really good members. They help us out a lot with rides and food. All we have been doing is getting to know where all the members live because its hard to know where everyone lives... but its good. Thats really it... not much sorry! I will try sending you the pics of the baptism!!! I love you Mom!
Hector and his Family's Baptism |