Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017~"Stay Close to the Spirit and the Spirit will Stay Close to You"

1.  How was your first week in your new area/new companion?
~It was strange because we were lost but good because we are both lost together haha

2.  Does this area have a lot of things in it?
~yeah... its a big difference from like a city to pueblos... its super weird

3.  How far away is this area from your other area?
~I'm not sure... we are more up on the hills than my other area 

4.  Where were the Baptism pics?  You said that you had those baptisms but we didn't get any pictures of it.  
~I sent them but I'll try again 

Well sorry to disappoint on the email this week but its not a lot when we are opening an area because we just contact and get to know the members more.   I like this Ward.  All of them are super good and they are really nice.   My area is super beautiful and I enjoy being here and our house is so beautiful... honestly I love it haha.   We are tired most days because we walk around a lot but its alright because we are looking for people.   we have three fechas for this week so we will see if we can baptize and well other than that we are trying to find more and more.  Its hard to start from scratch but its also good because we can talk with everyone and find people that we wouldn't find if we were cleaning the area.   Its weird that I will be completing a year this change.  The time has gone by so fast and its crazy how much fun I have had.   We have become good friends with the converts of Elder Bradley and Elder Christensen named fam. Barrera.  They are super cool and really good members.  They help us out a lot with rides and food.   All we have been doing is getting to know where all the members live because its hard to know where everyone lives... but its good.  Thats really it... not much sorry!  I will try sending you the pics of the baptism!!! I love you Mom​!

Hector and his Family's Baptism

Monday, June 19, 2017

June 19, 2017~"You Don't Find the Happy Life, You Make It"~Thomas S. Monson

1.  Is this week a transfer week?  
Yeah we had transfers and I am still a Zone Leader but I am opening an area up and so its going to be hard haha 

This week was the last week of my time here in Tacuba.   It was a great week that we had and a bad week due to the fact that I had to say goodbye to all my family, to my friends and family here in the barrio tacuba la bella. I love this area but its time for me to go to another area.   We were passing by with Hector and his family a lot this week so that we could baptize them and guess what, that is exactly what we did.  We had four baptisms on Saturday and confirmed them as members on Sunday and it was a great feeling because he has been trying to be baptized for 2 years and he finally separated with his girlfriend and they got baptized.  It was a great feeling to be able to baptize them. It was my goal to leave this area with them as members and that is what I did.  I completed my goal and helped them take one step closer to God.   I have been in contact with him since I came to the area and now my last day he was baptized.   He told us that everything that he wanted never happened or he never could do it but when we got to that day he told us that at last it was his time and what he wanted. and he did it for him to come closer to God.   He took that step and I am proud of him.   I also said goodbye to a lot of members and friends that I have here.  It is the sad part about leaving this area because that is what happens... we get closer and comfortable and then they send us to another area.  I wish I could be here longer but God wants me in another area and that is whereI I will be.  I can only help certain people like Hector... only I and my comp could have done that because he is our convert and we were sent here to help I got to go to work in Castorena.   We don't know anything about this area and there isn't a map so its crazy.  Elder Bradley will help us with that tomorrow but its a big area.  I am excited to get to work here with Elder Bonner (my new companion).   He is super good and we will get along really well.  He is from Draper and went to Jordan High School.   I hope I can have success here because I think this area is good and when we learn where everything is then we will have a little better control over everything.  It will be a challenge so we will see what we can do.

Elder Cleverly 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

June 12, 2017~"If You Stumble, Rise Up, Go On"~ Boyd K. Packer

Wow glasses... that's crazy Mom haha.  That is awesome about the Temple.  I want to go to the temple and do work but I can't here hahah.

This week was a pretty good week.  We went to help out Jardines so we were there and helped them find some new people as well as help them in there companionship.   We have been really working hard and had two interviews but they didn't tell us they smoked when we taught them the commandments and didn't pass so we were pretty sad because it has been like that the whole time and I was a little frustrated because we are working but everything seemed to fall through and I feel like we won't Baptize.  I was talking with my comp and some other missionaries in the Zone about how I feel like everything has been falling through for us and I got some advice that I hadn't really thought about and that is I should pray that God will help me with my personal goal of now in my misiĆ³n and so I talked with him through my prayers and well the next day we had a cita with a fecha and he told us that on this Saturday he wants to get baptized!  I was thanking Heavenly Father for that anwsered prayer because I had been really working and working and nothing and now I have seen his hand.  That morning before the cita I read a scripture that said in Alma 55 that we need to always remember him even through our struggles and like the Nephites we can have victory over a bigger army because we are with God.   I can't remember the exact scripture or the exact verse but it was good and it was right and I just keep seeing these answers in my life and its so clear to me that it is the answer. That is something I have really learned because I have been reading about the wars in the Book of Mormon and the Nephites won due to having trust in god and we too will have power over our enemies. 

Elder Cleverly
Elder Cleverly with Elder Edwards, one of the APs

Looks like a new jersey for Elder Cleverly and its nice to see his #18

I wonder how long it took to stack these chairs

Cooked up some Fries

Showing his Baptism picture to others

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June 5, 2017~"You Are Somebody's Reason to Smile"

Yes, its really hot here haha and yes I have been writing in my journal everyday and recording every experience, I think.  So this week I learned a lot. First was Monday and we won in the soccer game... you already know I was the MVP...then we played Pool and as well me and Elder Edwards took the Gold as always haha.   On Tuesday we had our consejo de liderazgo (Leadership Council) and well it was super good because we talked about sloths and how when they are young they try to get to the top of the tree but since they are young they grab their arms because they are confused and they fall. Sometimes we are the sloths and try to trust in our own arms and strengths and we fall but if we trust in the Lord or in the branch that we won't fall and we will be firm and strong. 2 nephi 4:34-35.   On Wednesday we had our junta de districto (District meeting) and well we had to clear some things up with the Elders in Granjas.  They wanted to change comps but we cleared things up and everything ended up good.  On Thursday we had to de-insect our house because we had coach roaches.  We got them all and it was disgusting to see all the coach roaches that left.   On Friday we had a good week with some investigators named Jorge, Luis and Manuel... they are brothers and they are working towards Baptism so we had a good lesson with them and they accepted everything.   Saturday we had three great lessons with Carlos (investigator), Hector and with his children and with hermana Teo (mama) and I sewed myself a new bag for my dirty clothes because mine was breaking. It is good because I did it with the machine and it turned out great.   On Sunday we had a good day because we did service for a family but the bad part was I ripped my pants of my grey suit... but the good part is that its repairable so I will get it fixed.   That was the week and we should have some Baptisms this week so I should be sending some fotos of people getting in el agua.!!!!!   I love ya Mom... thanks for the email!!!!

Oh...something spiritual that I learned was  reading in Alma about how the Nephites were dressed in thick clothing and the Lamanites weren't and the Nephites won and then I looked at my coin and I read the scripture about the Armor of God and it was good.  I loved the story about what happened and it was a good example of People who had the Armor of God and stayed with the trust of God and they won and they didn't have death.   I am trying to keep the Armor of God on everyday and I want to be a soldier in the Army of God!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Its nice to see him put some sewing skills to use

Ripped suit pants while doing service

New Laundry Bag that he sewed