Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 25, 2017~"Even the Best Technology Can Never Be A Substitute for Revelation From Heaven"

1.  Did you have the baptism this week?
Yeah we baptized Ricardo!!!!

Haha that is so funny about Devin...I miss that guy haha 
That is good that Stock is doing well and keeps strong. Well this week was a good week because we had a baptism and we will have two for this week too!!!! It was a good baptism. We baptized a guy named Ricardo who really changed for the better.   He was really having problems with smoking and when we showed up he changed and was able to get baptized.  It was a good feeling to be able to baptize him even though the water was freezing cold!  Something that I learned that I shared in my talk yesterday in the Zone Conference is as Missionaries we are helping people prepare to go to Disneyland.  We are  helping them change their life so that each home really is the Happiest Place on Earth.  We help families be together forever, to love and be concerned about each other and to feel loved by Heavenly Father regardless of their age, skills, appearance or talents. We are helping them see that they really are Princes and Princesses... that there is Royalty within them and that one day they will each live in their own Castle. We are helping to build a Magic Kingdom, the Kingdom of God on Earth in preparation for the Kingdom of Heaven that will soon come when the Savior returns.  As Missionaries, we are the luckiest people on the earth... Just a little something that I learned this week and I hope that it can bring joy and help in your lives.... other then that we are working hard and will hopefully have two baptisms this week I'm pumped haha.  Love you Mom... stay safe!!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Looks Like there is a new kind of Easter Bunny in Town

Ricardo's Baptism

Ricardo's Baptism Day

Elder Cleverly with Ricardo

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 17, 2017~ ""It is Far Better to Follow the Creater than the Crowd"

1.  What was Easter like there in Mexico?  
Well Easter here is called "Semana Santa" and lets just say the Catholics are crazy with reenactments of what Christ did for us.... they really go too far with it!!!

2.  What was the best thing about this past week?  The worst thing?
The best thing was that we heard the BYU synfania (symphony) play and it was super good.  The bad thing was that we arrived one night to our house late because we were super far away and we got done late from our lesson but it was a good lesson!!!

Haha that doesn't suprise me that you are bruised haha you are always bruised lol

That is really true... we look at it as a day to day thing.  When we don't have a good day we go and try to do better the next and each week we get to renew our covenants and follow Christ a little better each week

So this week was super fun and super hot.   Since its pascua (Easter)  we are challenged to teach about Christ and what he did for us and what pascua means.  For me its a new life, a second start and a blank page because he suffered for our sins so we can start new and follow him in a different way each day.  It was a great week.  There were not a lot of people in the streets. We got to teach with Alfredo and his wife and it was a great lesson but we did get home late haha but that's alright.  We are preparing for the baptism of Ricardo this week so we hope he passes the test so he can get baptized this week.  On Friday we had exchanges with Elder Richards and so I was with him while his comp was with Elder Batz.  It was good.  We worked super hard and even though there was this guy that told us that the devil is right and how there will be a war in Mexico and that the devil is going to win and how he is just bluffing right now and really he has all the cards and that we are wrong and we don't know because we just think in the way of God... it was a good day haha.   We found  a lot of people to talk to and teach and we got to go listen to the BYU Idaho Band that came.  It was good and we got to talk to the members of the band and the Zone.   I know what its like to stress.  For me we are stressed a little bit because the Zone isn't doing too good.  We are going to Baptize but everyone else no, so we are really working to get that fixed.   On Sunday we went to the temple with Ricardo and we listened to a family sing about the Pascua (Easter).  Also on Sunday I talked in church about the Atonement and how Christ didn't want to suffer and die but he did it because he loved us and still loves us and he loves God.  He asked if there was another less painful way but of the will of the father not his will so it really made me show that yes he had a hard life and for us its hard too but if it was hard for the only perfect being in the world shouldn't we be able to suck it up and go with what we have.   It opened my mind a lot and its an awesome thing to learn.  Well that was my week.  I love you!  Stay safe!!!!

Elder Cleverly

a Street named Salt Lake 

the Virgin Mary

I found Utah!

The Band 

The Place I live in

A statue of my life that I had made

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 10, 2017~"Strive for Progress not Perfection"

Yes Conference was good and Alfredo and his wife are awesome and they will be baptized on the 23rd of this month!!!   We have a family home evening night with them hahah.  I have really learned a lot about a lot of things.  Something that I learned was that Christ didnt want to suffer and be crucified and be killed.... he asked God if there was a less painful way to do that but he did it anyways... because he loved God and loves us.  He suffered, bled and died for us.  He was the only person to do it and was perfect and it was hard for him and so for me it shows the love he has for us.   He wants us to be happy and return to him as well.  If it was hard for him than why would it be easy for us if we suffer even a little.... we ask why but,  Christ never asked why...He did it because it was what God wants and thats what we should do.  If life is hard look for the good out of it. venga lo que venga disfrutelo. ..whatever comes and enjoy it. 

So this week was a good week.  We had a zone meeting and well it was super fun to talk about being a reperesentative of Jesus Christ.  It was fun to talk about how our mission is "sion" cause mission in spanish is misiĆ³n and that means mi sion or my zion and so it was fun to talk about how we are in Zion in Mexico City and its our zion and how we should enjoy the time we have here and help others come unto Christ as well and come closer to God and be a better representative of him everyday.   Also we found a family that is awesome.  So the parents names are Ivan and Mildret and the Elders before us were teaching them and stopped because they left but we found them and are teaching them.   They are very excited to go back to church and be members.  We are teaching Alfredo and his wife and a guy named Ricardo who wants to be baptized so we are helping him not to smoke and also Alma and Monica.  Alma is the mom and Monica is the daughter.  Her sister is a member and her Mom lost her sight so we have been teaching them and they accepted baptism so we are working with them.  We could have a lot of baptisms this change.   We had 5 of them come to church and they were very happy and so it made us excited and the other two that didn't go Ivan and Mildret... didn't go because they had their family in town that they haven't seen in a while.  We are working really hard... my legs hurt after the day haha  and I have knots in my shoulders from my backpack but its good because I see the blessings from the people that we have :)

Well that was this week.  I hope that you have a good week and win some ballgames.  I Love You!!! 

Elder Cleverly 

Monday, April 3, 2017

April 3, 2017~"Consciously or Otherwise, We All Choose Whom We will Serve Every Day"

1.  Where is your new comp Elder Batz from?  How long has he been out?
Guatamala and he has 9 months... we will leave together haha

2.  How many AP's are there in your mission?
There are two.  They are the bosses of all the missionaries in the mission... they are like President.  They only take orders from him and we take orders from them and give the orders to the District leaders and to the rest of the mission

3.  What was your favorite talk from Conference?
I really loved alot of them but one that was super good was Elder Bednar that when we are called to the mission we are first called to the work and then we are assigned an area.  It doesn't matter where we serve because we were first called to the work and after the mission as well we are still called to the work even if we are in a different area so I thought that was super good.

Yeah I miss Elder Osorio but I see him often and this week was different because I really led the entire week.  We found some great people and will baptize this week.

Wow that is crazy what happened to Scott.... that is a bummer that he won't get to play for a while.  So this week was a good one for us.  On Tuesday we had a junta (meeting) and it was good and we practiced how to teach and so it was a little refresher and a couple things we could add.  Thursday it was super good we had our junta de liderazgo (leadership meeting) and well we learned from a guy who travels all over the world with companies.  We learned how we can be good leaders and first we need to know why we are here... our purpose.  Second we need to think... ask more questions about ourselves then to just tell but really learn and answer the question first then ask and third what we can do to move others... to show them love and to care and not just to say it but to mean it so it was super awesome.  I'm super excited to learn and grow more in my calling.   On Friday we found a guy named Alfredo.  He is super good and it was a reference from his brother who lives in Salt Lake.  He wants to be a member so we will be working with him and his wife.  They are awesome!  They went to conference and and loved it and want to go to the temple and learn more.  They are super excited for the church.   After well we had conference and I really like the talk of Elder Bednar... about how we are called to the work first then we are to go to teach where we are assigned but first we are called and others D&C 80:1-5... Elder Eyring had some good talks and Elder Clayton and how we have each day to come unto Christ and be like him everyday.... also how we need to perserve the language by Elder Cordon and overcoming the world by Elder Anderson and how a goal is a destination and the plan is the route to the goal and how we need to plan to reach our goals...Elder Ballard.... so I loved it very much and that was my week.  I hope you have a good week...Love Ya!!!​