Monday, February 27, 2017

February 27, 2017~"When we are given a Prompting, it means that the Lord Trusts Us enough to Act on It."

1.  How have things been going with Investigators?  Any positives?
We have two that we will baptize this week or next week named Claudia and Nancy... the mom and child.  They are super awesome and really want to be baptized and said that this is the true church and asked for a Book of Mormon and Bible ...its crazy good. So far they are the positives and we have others but they aren't seguros (sure) right now so I will give them time before I tell ya. 

2.  What is interesting about this area?  Any neat landmarks?
Haha no its just the city so its nothing cool like the pueblos.

So this week wasn't that interesting.  We had a lot of meetings because of being Zone Leaders and so we didn't work a ton in our area.  An Hermana got really sick and was in the hospital so we had to talk with President about everything and explain that and where she was and it was just a mess haha.   We are working with Claudia and her child Nancy and we have two families but we just had one lesson with them so we are still working on them.  I will tell you about them later.   We had entrvistas con Presidente (interviews with President) and it was super good.   Other then that this week wasn't exciting.  It should be good this next week because we have a lot of work to do but we are going to be baptizing again soon!!!!! Know that I love ya and hope the best for you and the fam...Keep it safe. 

Elder Cleverly 

Companion Elder Osorio

Definitely looking thinner than when he left

With  Mission President Grossen

Not sure if this is breakfast or dinner

New Suit that he bought a few weeks ago

The City

Monday, February 20, 2017

February 20, 2017~"People may Doubt what you Say, but they will Believe What you Do"

1.  What did you learn from being Comps with Elder Johnson?  What did you like about him?
~Well I learned a lot about being an example because he was a child and looked up to me alot and how I need to be a good example so he learns the right things from me. He is a good guy and a good missionary.

2.  What is this place like that you live in?~Tacuba is super close to Granjas so its nothing different but we live in a house where a member lives so its bigger than my last house haha
3.  So are you in a Ward or a Branch?
 ~In a ward and the church is big!!

4.  Is Elder Osorio a ZL also?~Yeah we are both ZLs

Elder Osorio is a great guy and a great leader for me and yeah it was sad to leave Granjas but I am in the same Stake so its not that big of a change.  Dang that sounds like a bad day Friday... it was a bad day for me too.  I was in bed all day sick.  I couldn't leave the house because I was so sick.  At least you got to go to Vegas.  Yeah I think I will stay here for a while.

So the week started out with everyone asking me about everything hahaha because I am zone leader but I got everything under control and went to business.  We passed by with a lot of members to get to know the ward and they are awesome here.  After well I got sick on Friday.  It was completely awful because I couldn't get out of bed or leave the bathroom... it was terrible.  We had ate tuna but really bad tuna and well yeah it didn't agree with my stomach at all, but a member came to the house with food and medicine to help me and the next day I somehow recovered and we got to work.  We had a lot of investigators that we talked with and they are super good.  We don't have any dates yet but we have some that want to be baptized.   On Sunday we went to church and the church is huge and then we spent the day getting all the numbers figured out to send them to the APs and on Sunday Elder Nelson came to the Stake Center but President told us that we couldn't go so we didn't go.   Oh well haha but they said it was packed!!!   That was my week... nothing crazy just trying to get to know the area!!! Oh hey Mom Elder Osorio wants to go golfing with President this next week but we don't know how much it costs and we don't want to spend a ton of money but could I maybe get some money from ya to go golfing??:) haha if not thats fine...we don't know how much it is anyways... but thanks and I will talk to you next week.  I love you!!!
Elder Cleverly

Elder Osorio and Elder Cleverly

Putting his sewing skills to work

Sick in bed

So sad to see him sick!

Church Building


Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13, 2017~"He Gave His Life So that You can Change your Life"

1.  This week is transfers....I am sure you are staying since you just got there, but what about Elder Johnson?
~Actually I am leader de zona now (Zone Leader) hahaha.  I'm in my Zone just in a different city called Tacuba.  Tacuba is a section of northwest Mexico City and Elder Johnson left to Toluca.   My new comp is Elder Osorio... me and him are good friends.  I sent a pic of me and him last week. 

2.  So you still have trouble sleeping.  What did they tell you to do?
~I have oils that a member has that help me sleep but everything is good with that.

3.  What is the suit like that you bought?
~So I sold the blue suit I had and bought one cheaper but better.  Its blue but a little lighter and has a cool design inside haha.  It was 35 dollars.

Yeah soccer is fun.  I want to to play other sports as well but its alright...I don't have a lot to choose from.   The jerseys are cheap but I won't buy too much.  The car looks nice... you did good with the choice.  I want to see snow because it was the first year without snow haha.  Yeah we help Maria out and the teddy bear is awesome.  She is super spiritual and good things will happen with her. 

So this week we had a conferencia estaca (Stake Conference) with President and it was really good and with Elder Pieper and with the President of the temple... it was super good and I loved it.  They talked a lot about the fasting and the love we need to have. After well our investigatores were good and we set 4 fetchas (baptism dates) but I left and Elder Johnson left as well so it won't count for us but it was a super good time with them and I loved the área.  I'm sad to see it go but I'm looking forward to the leadership that I can bring and hopefully we can change the misión. Also what was funny was Elder Edwards told me where I was going because he is the new AP in the misión.  He is nervous but I'm excited for him.   I'm looking forward to this change because Elder Edwards and I will get to talk a lot because the APs talk with the Zone Leaders and Elder Lipscomb and Elder Bradley and Christenson are zone leaders too.  We are all in the city so we will see each other a lot and in concilio (council).  That was really  it ...just saying goodbye to the área. Oh Elder Osorio is from Honduras.  He is awesome.  He and I were good friends last change and now we are companions.   He likes the beaches alot and his story is awesome.  His mom passed away in a car accident and his dad had to pay a lot of money to other families that lost lives in that crash and so they haven't had money but his Friends are super good to him and take care of him and they have a company that helps the poor.   He is a super good guy and I'm glad I was put with him honestly.   Well that  all that really has happened this week.  Have a good week and do good in the baseball tourney.  I love you!!!!!

Elder Cleverly

One of the members in this last area makes teddy bears to earn money.  She
sent me this picture and said that she likes to make one for the missionaries but
since Ryan knew how to sew he sewed his own.  She said that Ryan and his companion would
help her sweep and do chores around the house because she has a bad back.  She was grateful for
their service and willingness to help.

Buddy missionaries with their Mission President, President Grossen

This is his Mexico Mom, Maria...the one that makes the Teddy Bears.  She took good care of Ryan and watched over him.  So grateful to her for her kind heart!

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6, 2017~ "Do Something Today for a Better Tomorrow"

1.  So do you feel like you have gotten to know Elder Johnson pretty well and work well with him? 
Has he progressed along better now with teaching and the language?yeah we are close and I think that we know each other a lot.  He needs a lot of work on Spanish but he will learn.

2.  Do you feel like you have a good relationship with your Mission President? yeah me and President I think are close and for that I trust him alot

Thats so dumb and those are the things that are going to hurt the team honestly.

This past week was awesome. It was a good time...we went and bought a soccer jersey that was 5 dolars and then we went with some of the members and they gave me some good advice because I wasn't sleeping really well and they gave me advice to sleep and so I have been sleeping better. After we had a junta(meeeting) on miercoles (miracles) and it was super fun.  I learned a lot and I learned that it was more about salvation than anything else.   After we found three families to teach and one of the families name is Frutis and they are super spiritual.  They don't have anything and the girl is in a wheelchair so it was fun to help them and we will help them this week too.   Today we had an activity and we went to Aldo Conti to buy a suit that I liked that was thirty five dollars .  I haven't finished using my money from Navidad so I have the 50 dollars still in the bank and Ii have some of the hundred dollars still.   Honestly this week wasn't exciting but thats what happened and the pictures too haha.  I hope you like them.  They are from the activity that we had today.  I love you guys.... have a good week!!!!!

Elder Cleverly