Yeah so I got it and opened it hahaha
So what time do you want to skype? We have an activity at night and we do eat so give me a time that works for you and we will see if thats ok.
Yes its cool to travel all over the place haha and well its super fun helping out the Missionaries. Yeah I talked with Sister Grossen on Wednesday or Thursday through skype and she said she had talked to you and that you were really sweet ahahah i told her that you probably talked a lot ahahha
yeah hermana Robison is super cool she just got back from the mission she was a great missionary
yeah so i did meet there son he goes home tomorrow which is crazy but we have met him
yeah so this week was a fun week cause first things first i got the package thank you i love it hahah second we got to travel all over with president due to the fact that sis grossen wasnt there he was lonely hahah um we got a lot done in the offices and we actually got out and put 4 fechas bautismales for the 31st so we hope they can progress. We gave missionary advice to hermana grossens son which was really fun. I went to toluca again today to do the trainng and it went well ahahha after we went to the airport to get a visa fixed so an hermnaa can go home tomorrow!!!
We had our christmas party which was fun and we went to horse races!!! President took us there and it was awesome it was actually really fun and i enjoyed going i definitely want to do it again!!!
So this week we will have our conferences and so we are getting prepared for that and well i am excited to share to the whole mission a message and as well im pumped about being able to see some missionaries. So thats whats going to be going on this week and we will be able to go to some members houses as well to celebrate Navidad so we are excited for this week but tell me what time you want to talk and send me the skype infor again alright thanks mom love you i will be on for a while today!!!!
Elder Cleverly
Horse Races |