Monday, December 26, 2016

December 26, 2016~Post Christmas Skye

Yesterday was awesome and we will get to do it again in May which is super exciting.  I hope you guys have a good week and I hope that everyone is doing good.  I am glad to have a good family like you guys cheering me on.  I love ya and will talk you you next week!!!

Baptism at the Waterfall

Monday, December 19, 2016

December 19, 2016~ "Each of Us is an Inkeeper Who Decides if there is Room Enough for Jesus"

1.  So do you know what time/details on when you will be calling us?
well it is our decision so I will call you on Sunday when we are going to talk. We have an hour and half.

2.  Have you received your package yet?
Yeah the package came two weeks ago but I forgot to tell ya. I receive it tomorrow because we have a conference with Pres. 

The caves were sweet.  There is alot to do in that place but we just went to the caves.  You can go do fun things there!!!
We were lucky to go to the temple at this time but Salt Lake is better but its still pretty beautiful!!!.

Sounds like a good baseball schedule.  They should do alright in St. George.  Thats good that Stock is doing good.  He just needs to stay in his area and work in his zone... I will talk to him at Christmas. 
Thats awesome about the fam. party pero bueno because things will get better when I get back. 

Nothing has happened this week either.  We had divisions with the leaders so I went to Metapec and its funny because the people there asked when I  am coming back haha.   After that we passed by with people with dates for baptisms and they are getting hard right now because its christmas time and they are getting lazy but we hope to get them baptized before the change ends. Not really that much this week.  We have tons of activities so I will tell ya about that next time but that is about it. I will have alot more this next time when we talk.   I'm looking forward to talking to you guys and I hope things are good.  Grandpa told me about the money so  I will buy something here that I like.   I love ya mom and I will talk to you on Sunday.  Love ya!!!!

~Don't have a lot of pics .... sorry 

Elder Cleverly 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December 14, 2016~"Christ Doesn't Make Up the Difference, He Makes ALL the Difference"

1.  One picture you sent last week had you holding what looked like tomatoes.  Is that what they were?
yeah haha its a tomato

2.  So did you have any of the baptisms happen this week?
this week no... we had one fetcha but his dad died so we will baptize him this week... bad timing 

That pot that was given to me is sweet and the ceramics class I had helps me appreciate fine art haha.  Things are nice here and the people take care of us.  How is the team sounding mom?????   Fill me in on the team.  How is Kyle doing?????? 
That is awesome about the Jazz game and Durant and Curry because they are amazing!!!!

Well this week I don't remember that much because it was the same routine... it was visiting our investigators and just making sure everything is good for their baptisms.   They have a Maria Guadalupe Day and this day everyone celebrates the life of the virgin Mary because everyone here is Catholic.   We had to enter our house early because of it haha.   We didn't travel this week which is a miracle because we always travel.  This week we are going to be traveling alot but to the activities.   Yesterday we went to the temple with some investigators and we got to see the lights and it is beautiful... of course Salt Lake is better but it was still cool to see all the lights.   We talked with the missionaries that work there and thats what they do all day is work in the temple.  After we went to the Grutas de las Estrellas which is so beautiful and pretty cool... super hot but pretty to see all the caves and such.   This week we have entercambios with the leaders and then we are going to work with the Hermanas in Tenancingo because they need help there... but really nothing super crazy this past week .  It has gotten super hot here so it does not feel like Christmas but I am still super pumped for Christmas.. that is pretty much it so I will talk to you next week and let you know how everything turns out this week.  Know that I love you so sossososo much!!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Grutas de las Estrellas 

Grutas de las Estrellas 

Grutas de las Estrellas 

Grutas de las Estrellas 

Grutas de las Estrellas 

Monday, December 5, 2016

December 5, 2016~"We Find Real Joy When We Make the SAVIOR the Focus of the Season"

1.  Does your Mission President have a Christmas get together for you guys? Like a party?
kind of... we do different activities throughout the month in our zones and we watch a movie!!!

2.  What do most people do for jobs there?  Or What kinds of jobs do people have there?
well if you live in a pueblo, everyone has the same job so the pueblos aquĆ­ (here) they make pots and I got one as a gift... so beautiful and in Ixtapan because its a tourist place the people sell food, bread, or work in a hotel... but its different in every pueblo go for example in Tenancingo its flowers... tons!!!

3.  Do you have a family or individual that you have become close with in your area? (Someone that is like family to you)  Austin and Brock always had someone each area that they could count on and became like family away from home for them.  If so who is it?  Tell us about them
well its family Martinez.... my conversos... they love me because I baptized them and they always help us with food or rides and we always have family home evenings with them.  They are super sweet people and we always joke with them and laugh alot.  They have a son who have problems but we are helping him. I don't know its just we are comfortable with them and it feels like I live with them. Another is family Domiguez Guttierez... we baptized there children remember and with them if we don't have food we will go with them and they will feed us and everything.  They cried when Eder Marin left  because they are like family to us.   My first converso as well I'm super close with her as  we always talk because Elder Reynoso and I baptized her and so we have a special bond.  We just talk and she always has a smile when she sees me.   There is a family named family Gonzalez.... its a huge family but only the dad goes to chuch. He is 70 years old and we are super close with them too.  He has 10 children and tons or grand hildren haha.   We have noche hogar con ellos tambien y ellos siempre nos saludan en la calle (Home Evening with them too and they always greet us on the street).  They are super cool people...  Also family Ruiz... we joke a lot with them about the past elders and why she doesn't go to church haha. We always tell her to go to church but she never does. She has a daughter that is 6  I think and she is the cutest thing and always gives me a hug when I enter the house haha.   She also have a 12 year old daughter and a 20 year old daughter and we always argue because it is fun. . I have a family in Tenancingo that I'm super close with from going there so much.  They are awesome... family Medina... the dad is a lider misional (missionary leader) and everytime I go we eat with them and talk and he gives me a hug.  His wife actually chose me to give their daughter a blessing because she was sick and the mom wanted me to give it, so we went to Tenancingo haha.. He has two children who are super cool... one I think is 15 and another that is 6 and they always saluda (greet) me and i don't serve in that area. Another family in Metapec when we have enterchanges with the Zone leaders... they are super cool and we always eat with them too and they told me if I ever come back or have a chance to go to Metapec, to visit them. so I think thats all haha.

Glad everything went well this week besides the sickness.  The Jazz game sounded fun and sounds like they might be good haha.  You get to watch Curry and Durrant play... that is crazy to watch both mom... you are lucky haha.  Yes I know about #LighttheWorld ...we teach everyone about that.  We have tarjetas (Cards) and we share the video with everyone... even people in the streets.   Its an awesome time of the year to be sharing the gospel and I'm excited because its awesome and we have so many activities that we are doing for navidad.   This past week was a trip...we married a couple.... thats what the pics are of the family.  Next we found a family named family Najera and they are so receptive and they take everything that we teach them.  We are going to invite them to be baptized.   We also found another family that literally has nothing but wants to be baptized so we set four fetchas con ellos (with them) and so we are going to baptized them soon.   We set another date with Rosario...I believe I told you about her and she accepted and we set a date with the couple that we just married... Ella es un miembro pero el no es um miembro entonces vamos a bautizarle (She is a member but he is not a member so let's baptize him). We also found a x missionary that his wife isn't a member so we are going to baptize her.   We have a goal for 8 baptisms this week so we are really working hard to baptize them.  That has been this week.  Oh we traveled all day on Sunday because we had to go to Tenancingo for a baptism for the Elders there and a blessing.   We got back just in time to watch the divotional( Christmas Devotional) and it was super good.  Iwatched it in Spanish and I could understand...After we took fotos of the nativity and all the christmas stuff in the plaza. Some of the other fotos are of a volcano, a lake in Gurrero (otro mision) and my District and pics con (with) Elder Marin.  I think thats every...Oh I bought a Mexico jersey its super cheap but I'll send a pic next time.  Hope your week is good and know that I love ya!!!

Elder Cleverly

Teaching English....the Christmas Way

Baptism Goal for week (8) written on his door and baptism goal of (24) for District