Monday, October 24, 2016

October 24, 2016~A Good Life is when you Assume nothing, Do more, Need less, Smile often, Dream big, Laugh alot, and realize how Blessed you are."

Last week Elder Cleverly went on a Temple trip and this is all he was able to send:

"Sorry Mom, I will write you next time.  We don't have time because we went to the temple this week so I will talk to you next week but I'm doing great and things are going good...Love ya and tell everyone whats up"

This week was another short one from Elder Cleverly.  This is what he had to say with the time he had....

1.   So Elder Marin is a Latino also? You said he was from Monterrey ...Monterrey  Mexico or Calif?
~hahah Mexico 

2.  Do you have any stories of people you are teaching or have taught?
~So we married the one family and are getting them ready for baptism this week. We found a milagro (miracle) and are baptizing a kid this week as well. It was cool because the mom is a member but hasn't been to church in a long time so we get to baptize her son.

3.  Do you just eat Mexican Food or do you get any other kinds of food?
No, its all Mexican 

4.  Do they decorate or do anything for Halloween time there?
No, they don't have anything up 

5.  Have you had any neat experiences lately?
Nothing interesting.  Just we are going to different places so we are going to areas I have never been so its new for both of us but its good 

Glad Cali was fun... its just as hot here.  I have a ton a pics to send but I haven't had time to send them.  
So I don't have a ton of time but I will email next week... we just have been going to really cool places so I will talk to you next week when I can finally rest...Love ya mom!!!!

Elder Cleverly

Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10, 2016~"How We Live Our Religion is Far More Important Than what We Say About Our Religion"

1.  Did the couple in the video get married last week?
they get married in the next few weeks.  We didn't have time this week so we will next week.

2.  Is this week a transfer week?  Is Elder Reynoso still there with you or did he finish?
yeah this week is a transfer week and Reynoso left.  My new companion is Elder Marin.  He is from Monterrey.
I'm sad to see Reynoso go...I love that guy to death but we will see how Elder Marin is.

3.  What do you usually do on P-Days?
we usually go places and explore, clean our clothes and the casa, sleep, shop, nothing super cool

So I did find the keys haha.  They were in a taxi but it was after we made the keys... it sucked.   Thats awesome about all my friends and there mission calls.   Thats funny about the cat haha... it will be gone in two years lol.   Glad Stock and Ethan are playing well and thats cool Stock is playing QB now. 

This week has been sad and happy at the same time. It was sad because Elder Reynoso was getting ready to leave and I honestly love that guy so much.  He was awesome, but he and I wanted a baptism for his last Sunday and we found a miracle.  We found a family that was taught already and just needed to be baptizied so we got to baptize them this week.  It was so cool.   We fulfilled Elder Reynoso's goal and helped a great family to be baptized.  I just wish I had Elder Reynoso for one more transfer cause that guy is an awesome missionary. Follow him on facebook and you can talk to him.  He is awesome mom.   This week will be trying to adjust to a new companion and working on a few fetchas to get baptized.   Wish us luck!!!! haha.  Love ya, stay safe!!!!! 

Elder Cleverly 

Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3, 2016~"Always Be Kinder than You Feel"

1.  So where did you go to watch Conference?  Was it all in Spanish?
We watched it in the casa de oracion.  It was all Spanish but we turned the captions on. 

2.  What was your favorite talk from Conference?
They were all really good.  The first session was the best tho

3.   Do you have to be inside your place before dark or at a certain time due to being dangerous or is your area okay?
We have to be in before 10 

Yeah I knew the girl.  That's terrible and Cambrie... wow... that would be so painful!!!!   Football is another bust haha but glad Stockton played.  He will letter more then I did because I didn't get in Varsity Sophomore year.   Thats crazy about Senior Night feels like it went fast.   It is weird that its october.... already its flying by!!!!  Jamie should do good... that would be a fun mission

So my week was fun... not a lot of contacting but a lot of preparing for the first baptism and let me tell ya it was awesome.   It was an amazing experience to be able to help someone come unto Christ and I think I was more nervous than the investigator.   Her name is Juanita and she was our first investigator.  We lost contact for two weeks with her and found her and she went to all the sessions so she was able to be Baptized!!!!!   Another highlight is a family that we are suppose to baptize this week, We are helping them get married.   We are going to get married on Wendesday I believe.  It was freaking awesome.  The video is of him proposing.   Oh and we lost our keys on Tuesday and so we didn't do anything all day but buy new keys.  I sent pics of it all.  That was our week

 Make sure to have family home evening.  It is very important that you teach about certain things in the home and things will be so much better.   Lastly this week, I have noticed that I have learned a lot about family and how much of an impact it is on a life and I just want to say thanks for being a good Mom and Parent to me.  I see the blessings and why you are the way you are.   Have a good week and rely on the Lord love ya!!!!

Elder Cleverly 

Taking Flowers for someone's  Birthday

A little bit of USA

Getting ready for his first Baptism in Mexico!

Juanita's Baptism

Baptism Day for Juanita

Elder Cleverly with Juanita and Elder Reynoso~
Juanita's Baptism Day